Tag: Department of Tourism

Nominations open to honour local dive pioneers
(CNS Local Life): Nominations are now open for local honourees to be named to the 2019 International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame (ISDHF) to recognise those who have contributed significantly to scuba and watersports in the Cayman Islands through development, promotion, positive environmental impact or education. The Ministry and Department of Tourism are calling for […]

Why does DoT sign have wrong web address?
I took this photo (see below) Saturday (6 July) thinking it’s odd that the Department of Tourism or whoever is in charge of this sign registered caymanisland.ky instead of caymanislandS.ky. Turns out they didn’t, caymanislands.ky forwards to visitcaymanislands.com. However, the URL printed on the physical sign takes you to the “future home of something quite […]

Travellers enticed to ‘Dream in Cayman’
(CNS Local Life): The Department of Tourism (DoT) is inviting visitors to ‘Dream in Cayman’ with the launch of a new advertising campaign featuring artful images highlighting the natural beauty of the islands. The idea is to set Cayman apart from the “sea of sameness” found in advertisements for other beach destinations, said the DoT.

Tourism staffer earns employee honours
(CNS Local Life): Wesrol Nyack, of the Department of Tourism, has been named Cayman Islands Employee of the Month for October, with Deputy Governor Franz Manderson recognising the achievement in a ceremony held Tuesday, 11 December. Nyack, a technical support analyst, received the honour for delivering an “outstanding customer experience”.

New tourism ambassador named
(CNS Local Life): Leanna Allen, a student of Clifton Hunter High School, earned the title of Tourism Ambassador at the annual Tourism Speak-Off held Friday, 2 November. Allen will represent the Cayman Islands throughout 2019 at various tourism events locally and at select international forums.

Hospitality students complete programme
(CNS Local Life): A recognition ceremony was held Tuesday, 25 September, for the fourth cohort of students who have completed the hospitality certificate programme at the Cayman Islands School of Hospitality Studies (SHS). This group of 38 students is the largest to be enrolled in the programme since the school’s inception at the University College […]

DoT launches new website
(CNS Local Life): As part of a campaign to publicise information on the Department of Tourism’s (DoT) global marketing efforts, the DoT has launched a dedicated website, www.OurCayman.ky. The DoT says the aim to use the site to ensure that the community is aware of the work done around the globe to market the Cayman […]

Public asked to nominate local dive honourees
(CNS Local Life): Nominations are open for local honourees for the 2018 International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame (ISDHF). In calling for the community to put forward names, the Ministry and Department of Tourism said honourees are categorised as people who have made a significant contribution to scuba and watersports in the Cayman Islands. New […]

Lighthouse students enjoy a Disney treat
(CNS Local Life): Disney characters, along with crew of the Disney Magic cruise ship, visited the Lighthouse School to deliver early holiday cheer to both students and teachers. The visit, organised by Disney Cruise Lines in conjunction with the Ministry and Department of Tourism, featured Disney characters Mickey Mouse and Pluto alongside crewmembers who donate […]

Community called on to nominate local dive pioneers
(CNS Local Life): Members of the public are being asked to nominate Cayman Islands pioneers as candidates for induction as local honourees at this year’s International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame (ISDHF). More than 30 people have been recognised locally since 2003 and the Ministry of Tourism is looking for more trailblazers in the sport […]

Licensing for bed and breakfasts in Cayman
I would like to rent out my condo for part of the year using Airbnb. Are there any restrictions about this in the Cayman Islands? Auntie’s answer: Here’s the short and simple answer: Yes, there are restrictions. Without getting too complicated, I will try to give you a longer version of the answer as well. […]

Donations requested for Christmas food drive
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Ministry and Department of Tourism (DoT) are continuing their Christmas food drive at the Government Administration Building (GAB) by encouraging civil servants to donate non-perishable food items to stock the St George’s Anglican Church pantry. The goods will be distributed to those in need during the holidays and beyond.

New tourism ambassador named for 2015-16
(CNS): Justyce Rivers has won this year’s Tourism Speak-Off debate, earning her the title of Cayman’s Tourism Ambassador for 2016. She came out on top of three other finalists chosen based on previously written essay submissions, who debated tourism-related topics in front of a panel of three judges and an audience at the Westin Grand […]