Edna Moyle Primary receives new laptops

Education Minister Tara Rivers receives one of the donated laptops from Roland Stewart of Paramount Investments. Joining them are (L-R) EMPS Principal Marcia Rennie, Education Councillor Winston Connolly, ICT Manager Steven Durksen and EMPS parent Jay Ebanks.
(CNS): A donation of 10 laptops to Edna M. Moyle Primary School (EMPS) will be used to assist Special Education Needs students with reading and writing.
Roland Stewart of Paramount Investments donated the laptops, which was arranged by EMPS parent Jay Ebanks. The Acer Aspire Switch laptops have removable keyboards, enabling them to double as tablets.
Also on hand for the donation were Education Minister Tara Rivers, Ministry Councillor Winston Connolly, Ministry ICT Manager Steven Durksen and EMPS Principal Marcia Rennie.
Rennie thanked Stewart for the donation and said, “We plan to use the laptops to set up an assisted reading and writing programme for some of our Special Education Needs students who would be better able to access the curriculum with this help.”
Durksen explained that in addition to the ICT integration with literacy and numeracy, the devices will be used as a pilot for deploying Windows 8 and Office 365 at EMPS before rolling out to other schools.
“Also, these tablets can be used at EMPS as e-book readers with our new online library solution that we are currently rolling out to all schools,” he said.
Rivers thanked Stewart for “his generous donation” and said, “I would also like to thank Jay Ebanks for being a parent who supports his children’s school and making this donation a reality.
“We live in a modern age where technology is at the forefront of almost everything we do. Incorporating the use of technology in the classroom helps to assist students with their learning. It also enables them to become more comfortable using such devices, by staying up to date with the technology that is being used and driving innovation in our world today.”
Category: Education
Why is Tara seen receiving the laptop in the picture? Should be EMPS Principal Marcia Rennie.
Tara’s turning into a little female “Mac” methinks, turning up for the photo-op where clearly she had nothing to do with the background work or funding behind the good news.