DG wants a healthy civil service
(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson has launched the CIG Wellness Committee to foster better health within the civil service. Manderson will head the committee, which grew out of the Pedometer Challenge Committee, a group that has run successful fitness events in previous years.
The goals of this new committee are: “To develop, manage, and promote a workplace culture of health and wellness that will improve employee wellbeing and performance,” according to its mission statement.
Commenting on the committee’s formation, Manderson said, “I am delighted that we are promoting all aspects of the civil service’s wellbeing, which is a subject very dear to my heart. Most of us perform sedentary jobs and it is imperative that we all make the effort to keep our bodies active and our minds sharp.
“We have to do this ourselves. We owe this to ourselves and our families, if for no one else. I encourage all in the civil service to get active and get engaged in maintaining or improving their health.”
Additionally, the committee aims to provide a holistic framework for delivery of workplace wellness policies and programmes. To meet the needs of employees effectively, the committee aims to structure its action plan around five broad areas:
- Wellness framework
- Health education
- Working environment
- Interactive supporting mechanisms
- Links with related programmes
The deputy governor has named the following people to the committee:
Tara Bush and Ventisha Conolly – deputy co-chairpersons
Camila Ferreira – secretary
Denise Delpesh – treasurer
Andy Bonner, Merta Day, Shelly-Ann Davis, Kathryn Dinspel-Powell, Christina Ross, Patrick Smith and Winston Sobers – members.
Committee members are working on a strategic plan to cover 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.
Category: Civil Service