Probation officers awarded for service

Marvo Callender (centre) receives the Steven E. Smith Probation Officer Award from Teresa Echenique and Eric Bush
(CNS): Several employees from the Department of Community Rehabilitation (DCR) were recognised recently with certificates of appreciation, including a new annual award in honour of Steven E. Smith who was a founding member of probation services in the Cayman Islands. DCR Director Teresa Echenique chaired the staff-appreciation ceremony, which was also attended by Chief Officer Eric Bush and Deputy Chief Officer Kathryn Dinspel-Powell of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Admin manager Evalee McField and senior probation officers Lisa Malice and Sonia Wallace received plaques for 11 years’ service with the department. Nine years’ service plaques were given to probation officers Marvo Callender and Judye Mobley, while probation officer Maxine Anglin, senior probation officer Melissa Rivas and executive officer Michelle Spence were recognised for eight years’ service.
The surprise Steven E. Smith Probation Officer Award for Excellence, Distinction, Knowledge and Commitment was presented to Callender.“The six staff put forward for this new award were all extremely worthy of the nominations, but Marvo has shown herself to be an outstanding member of this team who truly deserves the recognition,” said Echenique.
Smith was hired as a social worker by the government in 1974 and was an integral part of the development of probation services in the Cayman Islands. “He was well known in the community, having worked with generations of persons and, despite retiring in 2010, his name continues to be known to DCR,” Echenique said. “Mr. Smith served the Probation and Parole Service with the Cayman Islands with distinction and is extremely deserving to have an honour in his name for us to strive towards and follow.”
Echenique also paid tribute to Demi McLean, Jhaneille Ennis and Nicki Ennis, three talented young Caymanians who are leaving the department to return to university overseas for two years. “These three young ladies have displayed so much potential, and have become such valued members of our team, that it is with bittersweet feelings we wish them all the best,” she said.
Echenique praised and thanked the entire team who often work under extreme pressure and in difficult circumstances.
“You each enhance and positively contribute to this department, to the government and to the entire country,” she said. “It is my honour and privilege to be a part of this excellent team, which has become like family to me.”
Bush, who presented the awards, hailed DCR as a model for all government departments.
“Ms. Echenique, your team is absolutely exemplary and we are extremely appreciative of the work that you all do,” he said. “You are an example for all other departments to follow.”
Category: Civil Service