Archive for June 21st, 2016

Government scholarships for online study
Is the government scholarship available for students taking accredited online bachelor’s and master’s degree courses? Auntie’s answer: The good news is that online courses of study are eligible for scholarships if they satisfy the relevant criteria. I approached the Scholarship Secretariat for clarification, and it was explained, “Education Council scholarships are available for local online […]

Primary students visit air and sea police
(CNS): Year 4 students from Bodden Town Primary recently visited both the RCIPS Joint Marine Unit and Air Operations Unit to learn about police specialist operations from the officers themselves. While at the marine base, the 28 students were also treated to a demonstration by the RCIPS K-9 Unit. The visit was organised following a […]

Nominations open for Proud of Them awards
(CNS): The public is encouraged to acknowledge excellence among young people by submitting nominations to the Proud of Them Youth Recognition Programme. The candidates for nomination should be between 10 and 25 years old, who are reaching new heights of achievement in academics, sports, their career, culture, business or community service.

New stamps celebrate Cayman’s shipping history
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Postal Service’s latest stamp issue commemorates the role that ships played in shaping the history and economy of the Cayman Islands. The five-stamp “Historic Ships” issue illustrates the Cayman Islands’ rich shipbuilding and seafaring culture, featuring just a few of the many schooners and ships that have been integral to Caymanian heritage.