Archive for July 17th, 2018

Why are parking spots blocked?
I noticed in town on Edward Street opposite the post office what appears to be public parking spaces that were blocked by orange cones. I counted four free spaces blocked off in this manner. Presumably to ‘reserve’ these spaces, but is this not illegal? Can I remove the cones and park there? Auntie’s answer: It […]

Rotary Central names youngest president ever
(CNS Local Life): William Inniss (34) has been installed as the 32nd and youngest president of Rotary Central Cayman Islands for the term running 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019, during a recent ceremony attended by more than 100 Rotarians, invited guests and officials from other service clubs in Grand Cayman.

Cayman CARIFTA committee named
(CNS Local Life): A multi-disciplinary team has been set up to help organise the CARIFTA Games, one of the largest and longest-running youth track-and-field events in the world, which is being hosted by the Cayman Islands next year. Lance Barnes, President of the Cayman Islands Athletic Association, and Joel Francis, Assistant Chief Officer in the […]

Cancer Society receives $90k donation
(CNS Local Life): The Breast Cancer Foundation of Cayman recently presented their annual grant/donation to the Cayman Islands Cancer Society (CICS). These funds help the Cancer Society provide assistance to breast cancer patients through financial aid, special bras and prosthetics, and mammograms. The total of the cheque to cover 2017 expenses was $90,418.07 plus $2,516 […]

Kanuga racing again to fight childhood cancer
(CNS Local Life): Ultramarathoner Kerri Kanuga will participate in her third Badwater race in Death Valley California, on 23 July, which National Geographic has dubbed “The World’s Toughest Foot Race”. Covering 135 miles, Kanuga will trek non-stop through the lowest elevation in North America, 280 feet below sea level, and through mountain ranges before finishing […]