Brackers learn about health and wellness

(CNS Local Life): The second annual Cayman Brac Community Services and Health Expo offered visitors a range of informative displays from healthy eating and lifestyles to health screening, mental health counselling and hydrotherapy. The expo, a collaboration of the Adventist Church’s community services departments on Cayman Brac and Grand Cayman, took place at the Aston Rutty Centre on Sunday, 10 March.
The Lions Club of both Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac, Faith Hospital, and Foster’s Food Fair were among the organisations that participated in the fair, stated a press release.
Visitors were able to get screened for a range of health indicators including cholesterol, BMI, sugar and blood pressure.
Among the many professionals that took part, Faith Hospital’s Michael Nichol, who is a community psychiatric nurse, and Dr Lorrise Williams, an anaesthesiologist, shared duties in mental health and smoking cessation advice.
Nurse Hazel Fletcher, who is based in Grand Cayman and discussed health-screening results, closed the fair with a hydrotherapy presentation, including a live demonstration. She said that hydrotherapy was “the oldest natural medicine treatment worldwide and could be used to treat a whole range of conditions”.
Before he officially opened the fair, Adventist community services director Pastor Caple Thompson said, “As a church we strongly believe that we have a duty to help care for the needy or those who need support,” adding: “We fervently believe…we ought to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, minister to the despairing and to inspire hope to the hopeless.”
Thompson reminded the audience that “Hidden behind doors within our reach are neighbours who would appreciate a friendly visit, a kind word, a prayer, a helping hand.”
Category: Medical and Health