Archive for April 25th, 2019

Minister’s message for Vaccination Week in the Americas
Minister of Health Dwayne Seymour writes: This week the Cayman Islands has once again joined in the observance of Vaccination Week in the Americas (20-27 April 2019). The 2019 campaign slogan “Protect your community. Do your part. #GetVax” reminds us all that we each have an important role to play in supporting vaccination and keeping […]

DCFS seeks hurricane shelter volunteers
With the 2019 hurricane season starting 1 June, the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is now seeking persons interested in becoming shelter volunteers in Grand Cayman. As part of its annual hurricane shelter volunteer programme, the DCFS, in partnership with the Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) is holding training sessions on Monday, 27 […]

Should you call the police after a car accident?
If involved in a car accident, if there is damage to persons or vehicle, must the police be called to attend? Also, what if I witnessed an accident, must I stay till the police arrive or can I just leave contact details? Auntie’s answer: In light of the two recent tragic and disturbing cases of […]