Archive for April, 2019

Jamaica aims to top medal count at CARIFTA Games
(CNS Local Life): Perennial track-and-field powerhouse Jamaica expects once again to lead the medals standing at the 48th annual CARIFTA Games taking place in Cayman this weekend, even though several of the country’s top athletes will miss the competition. The Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA) is confident of the team’s success at the meet, set […]

Limited access due to road works – Printers Way, GT
As a part of the continuing upgrade of the road network, the NRA wishes to advise motorists that on Tuesday, April 16th, 2019, between the hours of 7:00am and 4:00pm, access to Printers Way North will be closed at the roundabout. Local access will be available to residents and businesses via the Shedden Road entrance. […]

RUBiS Top Student application deadline extended
The application deadline for the 2019 RUBiS Top Student program has been extended to Friday, 26 April at 5pm. Students are invited to apply online for the awards which provide $15,000 worth of financial grants to students aged 7-12 in the Cayman Islands. “We have extended the deadline because we thought it would be helpful […]

Application process for early childhood funding now open
The Ministry of Education provides financial assistance through the Early Childhood Assistance Programme (ECAP) fund for young Caymanian children who will be between the ages of 3 years old and 4 years old before September 1, 2019. ECAP applications are now being accepted to assist with payment of fees at any early childhood centre once […]

How do you request a new bus stop?
I pass buses everyday who pull over at the yellow crossing on West Bay Road outside the medical school residence hall. Students stand at the crossing waiting for the bus, which is dangerous as cars don’t know if students are crossing or not and it’s an accident waiting to happen. The buses also block the […]

UCCI students take on ethics challenge
(CNS Local Life): The CFA Society of Cayman Islands (CFASCI) held its inaugural Ethics Challenge at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) on 1 April, in which seven teams of three students each competed in analysing and evaluating a case study identifying ethical dilemmas.

JPs look to expand public service
(CNS Local Life): At their recent annual general meeting, Cayman Islands justices of the peace (JPs) underscored the ongoing success of a free programme started by their association last year. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 12 noon in the Government Administration Building (GAB) lobby, a JP is available to provide free services.

Karlene Bramwell awarded for Honouring Women Month efforts
(CNS Local Life): An annual award named for an East End women’s rights activist has been presented to Karlene Bramwell of the Gender Affairs Unit under the Ministry of Community Affairs. Bramwell, a senior policy analyst in the unit, received the 2019 Wendy Quinland Award during an Honouring Women Month (HWM) reception at Government House […]

Police meet Cayman Brac community
(CNS Local Life): Members of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service Senior Command Team, including the police commissioner, hosted a community meeting in Cayman Brac on Thursday, 4 April. Held at the Aston Rutty Civic Centre, attendees at the meeting included members of the community, ministers, government staff and teachers.

Charity Day benefits seven non-profits
(CNS Local Life): Appleby has held its sixth annual Charity Day, with seven non-profit organisations receiving donations. Each organisation had to demonstrate a genuine need for financial assistance, fall within the child and family welfare, education and animal welfare categories and clearly identify how the funds will be used. Bryan Hunter, Cayman managing partner, said […]

Measles Awareness Urged
International health body, the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), recently alerted health departments around the Caribbean to be on the lookout for measles and rubella as a precaution. In light of this, the Public Health Department of the Cayman Islands is issuing an alert to the community of the need to be aware of the […]

How will Health City deal with waste from cancer centre?
Health City is going to build a cancer centre. Is it going to have a specially designed independent sewage treatment plant that includes disinfection and residue removal zones? Where will final effluent be disposed? Wastewater from hospitals can contain traces of anything from viruses and multi-resistant bacteria to medical contrast agents and chemicals for cancer […]

Young tennis players match up well
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Tennis Club (CITC) hosted the third round of the PwC Junior Circuit Grand Prix last weekend, with 46 entrants taking part in singles and doubles competitions. The tournament, organised by the Tennis Federation of the Cayman Islands and held 5 and 6 April, featured 34 singles players among three […]

Artists honoured at Biennial Awards
(CNS Local Life): Nasaria Suckoo Chollette took home the Bendel Hydes Award and Paige Jordison was honoured as Emerging Artist at the inaugural Cayman Islands Biennial Awards ceremony organised by the National Gallery. The event, held 10 April, was designed to formally recognise four of the artists – two winners and two runners-up – who […]

Why are there green iguanas at the Turtle Centre?
In January we took our young grandson to the Cayman Turtle Centre, where he enjoyed holding a turtle and going on the waterslide. As we were sitting near the swimming pool, I was surprised to see a number of green iguanas on the ground and in the trees nearby. As well, it appeared to me […]

CCMI lecture looks at reef resilience
(CNS Local Life) UPDATED: As part of its annual reef lecture series, the Central Caribbean Marine (CCMI) is hosting a presentation on “Coral Reef Resilience and Refugia: Adaptation and Acclimatization in a Changing Environment”, set for 25 April at 5:45pm at the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands. The lecture, by visiting researcher Dr Gretchen […]

Rotary Club helps Junior Batabano go on the road
(CNS Local Life): The Rotary Club of Grand Cayman has returned as a sponsor of the Junior Batabano Street Parade and Family Fun Day, continuing a tradition that began when the service organisation came on as a founding supporter of the event 18 years ago. This year’s parade is set for 11 May.

What can be done about price gouging after a hurricane?
I saw your column on dealing with looting after a hurricane, and my question is: What protections are in place to prevent any price gouging? Auntie’s answer: Anyone making money off other people’s misery is truly reprehensible. I can understand that certain circumstances may make it unavoidable to raise prices after a natural disaster, such […]