Archive for May 20th, 2019

Celestial light shows over Cayman
(CNS Local Life): Nature provided some excellent picture shows in the sky Saturday after a beautiful sun halo emerged at lunchtime followed by a stunning full flower (blue) moon rising in the evening. A sun halo is caused by very high, thin clouds made from ice crystals. The properties of the ice crystals reflect and […]

Meals on Wheels prepares for major fundraiser
(CNS Local Life): Meals on Wheels is hosting its sixth annual ‘Orange You Glad’ gala and auction on Saturday, 25 May, with the goal to exceed the amount raised last year which covered more than 16,000 of the 48,000 meals the non-profit served in Grand Cayman in 2018.

Minister’s message for National Day of Preparedness
Minister for Home Affairs Tara Rivers writes: On Monday, May 20th the Cayman Islands…observe(s) its National Day of Preparedness with this year’s theme: “Preparedness makes sense and saves lives!” The primary purpose of observing the National Day of Preparedness is to highlight the importance of being ready for the upcoming hurricane season and other natural […]