Archive for July 31st, 2019

CUC takes Sunrise to the movies
(CNS Local Life): Caribbean Utilities Company volunteers and summer interns hosted members of the Sunrise Adult Training Centre for their annual trip to the cinema in July. More than 35 Sunrise clients took part, choosing to watch the movie Spider-Man: Far From Home, and getting treated to popcorn and soda.

Why no mobile use in baggage claim?
Could the Cayman Islands Airports Authority cite the regulations in question (banning cell phones at baggage claim)? Why would the world end if people could text “I’m waiting for my luggage now”? Auntie’s answer: This question appeared as a comment on a previous Ask Auntie column concerning wifi at the airport. And if you click […]

Weekend road closure and traffic advisories, 2 & 3 August
On Friday, 2 August, Cardinal Avenue, between Harbour Drive and Albert Panton Street, will be closed from 7:00AM to 4:00PM to facilitate Jamaica Independence Celebrations at the location. On Saturday, 3 August, the Saturday Night Live in GT event will be taking place on the George Town waterfront from 4:00PM to 11:00PM. While Harbour Drive will remain open, the side lane between the north and […]

Why weather forecasts not more accurate?
With all the equipment and manpower that Cayman has, why can’t someone produce an accurate weather prediction? Miami can pinpoint a shower to the exact minute. Why can’t we at least get the days correct? Auntie’s answer: It seems to me that weather forecasters have always been among the most-maligned professions. If someone predicts a […]