Education Questions

Can my child attend Lighthouse School?
I am a Honduran national and working in Grand Cayman on a work permit. I have a 7-year-old son who is a Down’s syndrome child. Can he attend the Lighthouse School in Grand Cayman, and if he can, what would be the way forward and the cost? In Honduras, my son has to go to regular school, […]

Teaching civics in schools
I just read that a CNN poll found that 12% of American adults had never even heard of Mike Pence, which suggests that about 30 million voters have no clue who the vice president is, let alone what he stands for, which is astounding. That made me think, is civics taught in Cayman schools, such […]

Can expat kids be kept out of school?
Does the government keep track of children attending school on island? Cayman is very transient. Is it possible to move to the island with my family and not enroll my children in school? How is that monitored, aside from nosy neighbours? However, if ever questioned, the person could lie and say they were homeschooling. Can […]

Proper dress for teachers
Can the public be made aware of the dress code policy for government teachers? Auntie’s answer: I reached out to the Department of Education Services (DES) and very quickly received a response to your question. While there isn’t a written policy on dress, the DES has published guidelines which are included below. A DES statement […]

Outraged by school bus drivers
Who is in charge of the school buses? The way many of them are driven is appalling! One turned so sharply into my street that there was barely an inch between the bus and the front right corner of my car …and as for stopping IN roundabouts or speeding! Children are probably learning from these […]

Wants refund on school fees
I have enrolled my three young children in one of the private schools in West Bay. We weren’t happy with the school and transferred them back to their old school but the West Bay school is telling us that they have a rule of no refund. We paid an annual tuition fee for all three […]

Making sure kids go to school
How does the Cayman Government ensure that all school aged children are enrolled in school, attending school and receiving an education? Auntie’s answer: As you probably already know, it is legally mandated that all children between the ages of 5 and 17 must attend school, with certain exceptions such as earning a secondary school diploma […]

Wants to volunteer to help children read
I’ve heard that there are volunteers who assist with reading programmes at the local government schools. I have looked at the ministry and department websites and can see nothing about it and I feel awkward just calling up schools randomly. So my questions are: Is there such a programme? Do they actually want or need […]

The book on home schooling in Cayman
Home schooling is legal in many countries. In the US, parents can home school children and it is regulated by states to varying degrees. The cash allotments are the big draw for home-schooling families: US$1,600 per student for kindergarten through third grade, US$1,800 for grades 4-8, and US$2,000 for grades 9-12. While parents are free to […]

Wants to pay back government scholarship
I am a Caymanian government scholarship recipient and am expected to return to the Cayman Islands after I graduate to pay off my debt via working here. However, I plan on getting married to someone from another country and want to reside there. Is there any other way to repay this debt? Auntie’s answer: While […]

Government scholarships for online study
Is the government scholarship available for students taking accredited online bachelor’s and master’s degree courses? Auntie’s answer: The good news is that online courses of study are eligible for scholarships if they satisfy the relevant criteria. I approached the Scholarship Secretariat for clarification, and it was explained, “Education Council scholarships are available for local online […]

I think my child is dyslexic
My otherwise bright 9-year-old son is still struggling to read and I think he might be dyslexic. What do I do? I asked a local special needs teacher and she recommended that your first stop should be with one of the child’s teachers at school or the principal to talk about your concerns. Ask them […]

Government scholarships should be based on need
Auntie has received the following related questions: 1. How are scholarship applicants vetted in regards to their means of being able to provide for their university fees without a government scholarship? Why are there students who have parents that earn a decent salary being awarded scholarships? 2. Why does the Education Department continue to […]

New residents seek US education for children
Our family will be moving to Cayman in a few months with our two school-age children, one in primary school and the other finishing up grade nine. We are American and I am wondering what are the options for getting a US education in Cayman? Auntie’s answer: As you would expect, most schools (both government […]