Health Questions

Does DEH test for H2S at landfill?
Does the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) regularly test for carbons or hydrogen sulphide at the landfill? I read an article that children should not be within 5km of a landfill due to toxic pollutants in the air which is of great concern. Auntie’s answer: First of all, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) smells like rotten eggs, […]

How will Health City deal with waste from cancer centre?
Health City is going to build a cancer centre. Is it going to have a specially designed independent sewage treatment plant that includes disinfection and residue removal zones? Where will final effluent be disposed? Wastewater from hospitals can contain traces of anything from viruses and multi-resistant bacteria to medical contrast agents and chemicals for cancer […]

Are e-cigarettes safe to use?
I know that people who switch from cigarettes to e-cigarettes or just take up “vaping” on its own say that the electronic version is the safer alternative. But I am not convinced. How safe is vaping really? Auntie’s answer: I have wondered the same thing. I also take great issue with the flavours of “smoke” […]

Obtaining disability allowance
Can you please let me know how a person goes about claiming disability benefits in the Cayman Islands? Is it even a possibility? Auntie’s answer: It is not clear from your question whether you are an employee who has suffered an injury while on the job that is preventing you from working or if you […]

CUC smart meters and emissions
How dangerous is the radiation from CUC’s smart meters? Also, how far away should the meters be from frequently used rooms? Auntie’s answer: I can understand your concern, especially as every day something else seems to get added to the list of electronics that can be harmful. The radiation referred to is the electromagnetic frequency […]