RSSLandlord/Tenant Questions

Is stamp duty paid on leases?

Is stamp duty paid on leases?

| 21/08/2019 | 13 Comments

Why rent when it seems you have to pay for stamp duty on your lease agreement no matter the length of time on your lease? I’ve never paid this stamp duty but if it is the case, it makes more sense to buy. Can you confirm that lease agreements regardless of the length of time […]

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What can I do if my landlord violates the lease?

What can I do if my landlord violates the lease?

| 22/03/2019 | 9 Comments

We just recently moved into a rental home. We signed the lease which stated internet included. Now the landlord says they don’t want to provide internet anymore and cut the service off. Is there anything we can do? Isn’t that breach of contract? Auntie’s answer:  While I want to stress, as I have done before, […]

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Shocked by rises in rent

Shocked by rises in rent

| 01/03/2019 | 42 Comments

Is there any government body we can appeal to about these crazy rent increases? I just found out my rent is going up another $200 from the $300 it went up last year! Other people I know have had their rent go up by $700. This is crazy! How is anyone expected to live with […]

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Landlord wants to charge tenant’s guests

Landlord wants to charge tenant’s guests

| 12/04/2018 | 19 Comments

Just wondering what the laws are for landlords and registering their rentals and how tenants can know if it is a legally registered rental property. I know of a landlord who also wants to charge their tenants hotel rates for family to visit and stay in her studio apartment. Not to mention she has been […]

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