RSSAsk Auntie

Complaining about illegal construction

Complaining about illegal construction

| 23/07/2017 | 3 Comments

Recently a friend contacted the Department of Planning about some significant construction at a residence in Webster’s Estates in South Sound. They were told there was no planning permission but that they had only one enforcement officer so couldn’t attend. This seems a little surprising given the extensive requirements for any building or renovation projects, […]

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Wants to rid yard of green iguanas

Wants to rid yard of green iguanas

| 20/07/2017 | 19 Comments

Is there any way of repelling green iguanas from particular areas? Any chemical or plant that will keep them out of my yard? I have a dog but he’s afraid of them and runs away. Auntie’s answer: I think this is one topic most people will agree on – that green iguanas are pests and […]

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Divorce and applying for PR

Divorce and applying for PR

| 19/07/2017 | 5 Comments

I have been on island for the past 9 1/2 years and currently married to a Caymanian for four years. I received my RERC (Residency and Employment Rights Certificate) in 2015, which will expire in 2022. We have no kids together. My wife and I are having marital problems and she wants a divorce. My […]

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Condo tenants feel shortchanged on deposit

Condo tenants feel shortchanged on deposit

| 18/07/2017 | 11 Comments

We left the island two weeks ago and left our condo clean and paid all utility bills beforehand. Our landlord was to put our $2,000 deposit in our account after we left. It turned out that he only put $500 in our account. When we emailed him he said it was for deductions. Do we have anywhere to go to try […]

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Concerned about pesticides sprayed in Cayman

Concerned about pesticides sprayed in Cayman

| 17/07/2017 | 5 Comments

I am concerned as to the safety of what the MRCU (Mosquito Research and Control Unit) are using when they spray to kill mosquitos and its impact on Cayman residents. I assume the liquid adulticides showing on their website are what is being sprayed from the plane. Their website shows two products: Aqua-Reslin (active ingredients permethrin 20%, piperonyl […]

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Patient looking for CINICO to cover cannabis oil

Patient looking for CINICO to cover cannabis oil

| 16/07/2017 | 8 Comments

I have a condition that I think may be helped by cannabis oil. However, my health insurance is covered by CINICO and I don’t think any Health Services Authority doctors prescribe it. If a private doctor gives me a prescription, will CINICO pay for it? Auntie’s answer: The good news for you is that CINICO will […]

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Cayman needs public toilets to accommodate families

Cayman needs public toilets to accommodate families

| 12/07/2017 | 2 Comments

I have a question in regards to family bathrooms. There are no family bathrooms on islands, and I always see mothers bring their sons in the female bathroom. My husband took our daughter out the other day and had to beg someone to take her to the bathroom because he didn’t want to bring her […]

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Is it OK for bad parkers to be publicly shamed?

Is it OK for bad parkers to be publicly shamed?

| 11/07/2017 | 9 Comments

There’s a Facebook page named “Cayman’s worst parking”; people take pictures of cars that are badly parked and post them on it. My question: Is it legal to take pictures of someone else’s property and post them with all kind of horrible remarks and comments? Auntie’s answer: The first thing I did after receiving this […]

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Upset by sore losers in election

Upset by sore losers in election

| 10/07/2017 | 0 Comments

Is it not considered to be in poor taste and a breach of tradition for a failed election candidate, who was incumbent, to simply ignore his/her opponent’s victory, refuse to congratulate them, and to just continue on “campaigning” against them as if they did not just win the election? Would tradition not dictate that the […]

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Budget for the General Elections

Budget for the General Elections

| 09/07/2017 | 0 Comments

Can you please enquire on the budgeted allocated to the Elections Office for the recent 2017 elections and also enquire on the actual cost incurred? Auntie’s answer: I was able to get half of your question answered and decided not to wait for the rest since this is a timely topic. But I also want […]

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Licensing for bed and breakfasts in Cayman

Licensing for bed and breakfasts in Cayman

| 06/07/2017 | 11 Comments

I would like to rent out my condo for part of the year using Airbnb. Are there any restrictions about this in the Cayman Islands? Auntie’s answer: Here’s the short and simple answer: Yes, there are restrictions. Without getting too complicated, I will try to give you a longer version of the answer as well. […]

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When is a doctor not really a doctor?

When is a doctor not really a doctor?

| 05/07/2017 | 15 Comments

I notice that the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) has awarded several honorary doctorates in the last year. I have three questions, Auntie: Is the UCCI internationally accredited to award these honorary degrees? Who decides who shall receive them and after what criteria have been examined and fulfilled? And are the recipients thereby […]

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No relief from noise of upstairs neighbours

No relief from noise of upstairs neighbours

| 05/07/2017 | 10 Comments

Recently we purchased an apartment in an upscale multi-storey building here in Cayman. The entire structure is of poured concrete and appears to be well built. All of the apartments feature marble floors that really look nice but cause the sounds of people walking and running or generally coming in contact with the flooring to […]

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Pension payouts under the new law

Pension payouts under the new law

| 03/07/2017 | 8 Comments

I’m writing to you to ask about the new pension law in regards to people getting their money when they leave the island. Up to this point, when people left the island, if they had $5K or less they were able to get their money in six months, and for over $5K the wait was two […]

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What is the legal recourse when faced with hate speech?

What is the legal recourse when faced with hate speech?

| 29/06/2017 | 7 Comments

Are there any laws covering hate speech in the Cayman Islands? Auntie’s answer: This was another question for the Human Rights Commission (HRC), though a representative again cautioned that their answer can only be given in general terms and they cannot offer any legal advice. The HRC official explained that hate speech is not legally […]

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Getting insured with a pre-existing condition

Getting insured with a pre-existing condition

| 29/06/2017 | 22 Comments

I am a Caymanian with a medical pre-existing condition. I’m finding it very hard to get a job and I think it’s because adding me to the company health insurance will raise the rates for everyone. What are my options? Can I get personal insurance that I can afford? Auntie’s answer: I was able to […]

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Looking for higher octane fuel in Cayman

Looking for higher octane fuel in Cayman

| 27/06/2017 | 8 Comments

Why do none of the local fuel distributors offer an octane option higher than 93? There are a number of high-end car dealerships on island that sell vehicles designed to be using a higher octane fuel, such as 95, meaning there would definitely be a market for it. Auntie’s answer: I put your question to the […]

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Update on Zika cases in Cayman

Update on Zika cases in Cayman

| 25/06/2017 | 12 Comments

Is there any news on the pregnant woman who had contracted Zika last year? Also what are the Zika cases at present? Auntie’s answer: Considering all the concern surrounding the appearance of Zika in Cayman last year, I am glad this question has been submitted, especially as we head into summer. I am sure you […]

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