Service Organisations

Rotary members on educational mission to Guatemala
(CNS): Members of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman plus honorary Rotarian, Governor Helen Kilpatrick, will be travelling on a goodwill mission to Guatemala in aid of education. The group of 16 taking part from Cayman is joining with the Cooperative for Education (CoEd) and club members from the US, Canada and the UK to deliver books […]

Lions mix fun and education for children with diabetes
(CNS): More than 40 children, parents and volunteers turned out for the recent Lions Club of Tropical Gardens Fun Day held at the Airport Park in George Town. The event, which took place Sunday, 20 December, was specially designed as a treat for diabetic children in Cayman.

Helicopter delivers Santa to George Town
(CNS): Santa Claus landed in George Town to give gifts to children at a family fun day on Saturday, 19 December. After arriving with his little helpers by helicopter, Santa sat down to hand out the presents and give each child a hug. The Cayman Islands Fire Service Sports Club and the Kiwanis Club of […]

‘Tis the season for Pink Ladies Christmas fundraiser
(CNS): The Pink Ladies Annual Christmas Tea and Bazaar will be taking place Saturday, 28 November, from 2pm-5pm at the ARC in Camana Bay. The popular family event will include booths selling handmade crafts, homemade jams and cakes, and plants, plus a raffle and silent auction.

Kiwanis Club names new officers
(CNS): The Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman has installed new officers and board members for the 2015-2016 year, including incoming president Daniella McGowan. Others inducted at the ceremony were Martina Jackson, president elect; Nicola Murray, vice president; Linda Chapman-Key, secretary; Ruud van der Pluijm, treasurer; Martin Couch, assistant treasurer; and Clement Lai, Kadi Merren-Pentney, Marnu van Rensburg, […]

Lions spearhead community food drive
(CNS): The Lions Club of Grand Cayman held their first FoodPantry Drive at local grocery stores on Saturday, 19 September. The drive is a community-based programme that collects and stores food and household products for free distribution to people who have been assessed by local churches, schools and Government agencies to be in genuine need. […]

Rotary Sunrise promotes literacy with book donation
(CNS): Literacy Day celebrations on Tuesday, 8 September, took on a special meaning for Government primary school students throughout the Cayman Islands helped by Rotary Sunrise’s donation of almost 700 illustrated dictionaries for all year-five students. A special event was held at Bodden Town Primary School (BTPS), where the club has adopted the library as […]