Tag: Appleby Cayman

Charity Day benefits seven non-profits
(CNS Local Life): Appleby has held its sixth annual Charity Day, with seven non-profit organisations receiving donations. Each organisation had to demonstrate a genuine need for financial assistance, fall within the child and family welfare, education and animal welfare categories and clearly identify how the funds will be used. Bryan Hunter, Cayman managing partner, said […]

Law firm donates to nine charities
(CNS Local Life): For the fifth year running, Appleby held its annual Charity Day, this time selecting nine non-profit organisations that fall within the child and family welfare, education and animal welfare categories to receive financial assistance. Each organisation had to demonstrate a genuine need for financial assistance, fit into one of the designated categories […]

Applications open for law scholarships
(CNS Local Life): Students can now apply for legal scholarships, articles of clerkship and internships at Appleby (Cayman), representatives of which will be at the Chamber of Commerce Careers Expo on Friday, 23 February to provide more information. The Appleby scholarship covers the cost of tuition/registration, examinations and textbooks, and students are also provided with a monthly stipend […]

Appleby’s annual giving day supports five charities
(CNS): Following its annual Charity Day programme on 15 March, Appleby Cayman has awarded donations to the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre, The Bridge Foundation, Cayman Islands Red Cross, NCVO and Lighthouse School. The law firm has been running the programme since 2014, providing an opportunity for various charities to bid for funds.

Appleby boosts business support with two Caymanian hires
(CNS): Appleby Cayman has added two young Caymanians, Gemma McLaughlin and Ariana Seales, to its staff as business development manager and marketing communications executive, respectively, in the business support group. “We are delighted to have Gemma and Ariana on board to provide us with a high calibre of business development and marketing support,” said global […]