Cayman ‘on world stage’ in Trinidad
(CNS Local Life): Over the first four days of 14th annual Caribbean Festival of the Arts (CARIFESTA) in Trinidad and Tobago, Cayman’s cultural representatives have joined thousands of delegates from around the region sharing their heritage and experiencing the displays and performances of artists from more than 20 countries.

Cayman culture on display at CARIFESTA
(CNS Local Life): A 50-plus strong group of cultural ambassadors are in Trinidad and Tobago representing the Cayman Islands at the 14th annual Caribbean Festival of the Arts (CARIFESTA) to share the best of Cayman’s music, dance, theatre, as well as visual, culinary and heritage arts. The festival, which runs from 16-25 August, has attracted […]

CNCF to preview Cayman’s CARIFESTA performances
(CNS Local Life): The largest-ever Cayman contingent, comprising 50 delegates, will be travelling to Trinidad & Tobago next month for the 14th annual Caribbean Festival of the Arts (CARIFESTA) to show off the best of Cayman’s arts and culture, from music, dance and theatre to visual, culinary and heritage arts. Ahead of the festival, which […]

National Gallery takes art on the road to CARIFESTA
(CNS Local Life): As part of the CARIFESTA XIII celebration of the visual arts, taking place 17-27 August in Barbados, the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) is supporting five Caymanian artists – Simon Tatum, Brandon Saunders, Kaitlyn Elphinstone, Nasaria Suckoo Chollette and Shane “Dready” Aquart – whose work has been accepted by the […]

Cayman’s CARIFESTA performers offer local preview
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman National Cultural Foundation (CNCF) will be showcasing Cayman’s presentation for this year’s CARIFESTA, set for 17-27 August in Barbados. Local audiences will be able to preview the entire show at the Harquail Theatre from 28-30 July, which will also serve as a fundraiser to pay for the Cayman contingent’s travel […]