Tag: Civil service

Does government keep tally of Caymanian staff?
When they compile public sector statistics, how do they know if people are Caymanian? From what I have read, there is no central record, and being born here or having a Cayman passport means nothing. Auntie’s answer: This question came as a comment on a recent CNS story on the increasing number of public sector […]

Job security of civil servants after elections
With the change in government, what protection do civil servants have against being transferred or fired at the whim and fancy of the new MLAs? If a civil servant is let go because the new minister prefers to bring in someone else, does the civil servant have any protection or recourse? Auntie’s answer: I put […]

Rules for suspending civil servants
Why are some civil servants placed on indefinite leave with no written explanation of the allegations against them and other civil servants continue to work with pay when there are charges against them such as theft from their government department? Why doesn’t government have a policy that applies evenly to everyone? Auntie’s answer: I wonder […]

Face of government HQ retires from front desk
(CNS): After 25 years in the civil service Hope Stephenson spent her last day at the Government Administration Building’s front desk on Friday. ‘Ms Hope’, who has been the front line face at government headquarters, firstly at the Glass House and more recently at the new GAB, is departing as a result of the mandatory […]