Tag: Congenital heart defect

Kidfest raises $16,000 for Cayman Heart Fund
(CNS Local Life): More than $16,000 was raised at Kidfest, a family fun day held Saturday, 29 June in memory of Nolan Evans, who passed away from a complex Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) at just seven months old in January last year. Parents Ailian and Sean Evans, who call themselves Team Nolan, organised the event […]

Bench in memory of young heart patient unveiled
(CNS Local Life): A memorial bench was unveiled Saturday, 22 June, at Health City Cayman Islands in honour of baby Nolan Evans, who passed away from a complex Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) at just seven months old in January last year. The date of the unveiling of the Nolan Evans Memorial Bench would have marked […]

Golf fundraiser scores for Cayman Heart Fund
(CNS Local Life): Inspired by his niece in New Zealand, Devon Clark of Calico Jack’s, along with Marty Francis and TJ Hucker, organised the first annual charity golf tournament to raise awareness and funds for the Cayman Heart Fund (CHF). With more than 72 golfers and various supporters participating, the organisers raised $4,575 at the […]