Tag: CUC

CUC helps restore power in Bahamas after hurricane
(CNS Local Life): Five members of CUC’s transmission and distribution (T&D) operations department have travelled to the Bahamas to assist with the restoration of power following the recent passing of Hurricane Matthew. The CUC linepersons are expected to work with the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) for about three weeks, with a second crew on standby […]

Is interest on deposits paid to companies required by law?
Is there a law that requires companies to pay interest on deposits? I have provided CI$200 deposit to both Cable and Wireless (now Flow) and CUC and realise I only receive interest on deposit from CUC. I have never gotten any interest from Flow, only continual crappy service. Auntie’s Answer: The quick answer is no, […]

CUC powers summer of learning for interns
(CNS): This summer, 19 students have been taking part in the Caribbean Utilities Company’s (CUC) annual vocational and internship programme. The nine university-level students began at various times throughout May and June, and the 10 high school participants started 7 July.