Tag: Health insurance

Do I have to pay doctor before surgery?
I’m hoping you might shed some light on the recent practice of health services requiring full payment for a procedure and then the patient expected to be reimbursed by the insurer. Case in point: our son has a scheduled knee surgery and we’re having to pay the anaesthesiologist in full before the surgery is to […]

Carrying two health insurance policies
Is a consumer in Grand Cayman allowed to belong to more than one medical insurance scheme? I had thought not, but while in a doctor’s rooms, I overheard someone make a statement that they did have more than one. Auntie’s answer: Yes, you may take out two separate health insurance policies but there is a caveat to […]

Issues with health insurance coverage
Recently I have needed to go to the doctor’s and hospital a few times. On my insurance statement I keep getting “Charge exceeds Cayman Islands Legislated Standard Fee Schedule” and have to pay more money out as well as my co-pay. Why does the standard fee schedule not seem to be compatible with a lot […]

Rules for hiring casual labourers
Are there any rules regarding hiring Caymanians as casual labour? Specifically, my gardener is Caymanian and he comes twice a month and I pay ‘him’ monthly, not a business, but I don’t pay pension or health insurance. Am I doing anything illegal? Same goes for my cleaner. Auntie’s answer: I took your question to the […]

Denied coverage by insurance company
I have been diagnosed with a chronic disease and my insurance company has denied my claim for coverage of my related medical expenses. What can I do? Auntie’s answer: Since this is already the second insurance question I have received, I can see this will be an ongoing issue for many readers, and understandably so. […]

Finding health insurance without a job
I am in my mid-50’s and was made redundant a few months ago. I am now without income and have been unable so far to find a job to support myself. My health insurance through my last employers will end in a few weeks and I don’t see how I can afford to pay for […]