Tag: Legal Befrienders

Family Resource Centre, Legal Befrienders close for SNAP Camp
The Family Resource Centre (FRC) wishes to advise the public that it is closing from Tuesday, 2 – Friday, 5 July 2019 inclusive to facilitate its annual SNAP camp. Please contact The Counselling Centre at 949-8789 if you need assistance during the week ahead. FRC’s Legal Befrienders service will recommence on Tuesday, 9 July 2019 […]

Attorney honoured for volunteering
(CNS Local Life): The Family Resource Centre (FRC) has selected specialist family attorney Hayley McCall as their 2018 Lee A. Freeman recipient. The award, for “selfless acts of time and dedication to the Legal Befrienders’ Programme,” is named after one of the service’s staunchest volunteers and has been presented annually since 2011.

Looking to sue a lawyer
We would like to take a local “family law” firm and their lawyer to court to seek damages. We are scared to do so though, as the courts here appear to favour attorneys over family and child welfare. Are there any law firms that specialise in this or anything available through the Attorney General’s office? […]

Lawyer honoured for giving back
(CNS Local Life): Civil litigation and family law attorney Pramod Joshi was recently given the 2017 Lee A. Freeman service award by the Family Resource Centre (FRC). Named in memory of an exceptional volunteer, the award is given annually in appreciation for selfless acts of time and dedication to the FRC’s Legal Befrienders Service.

Corporate attorney honoured for volunteer work
(CNS Local Life): A corporate lawyer, more used to winning tough cases than earning plaudits for his caring nature, has earned the 2016 Lee A. Freeman award in “appreciation for his selfless acts of time and dedication to the Legal Befrienders programme”. Simon Raftopoulos, a partner at Appleby (Cayman), was recognised for his 10 years […]

Attorney recognised for volunteer work
(CNS): Attorney Benjamin Woolf has received the Lee A. Freeman award for volunteering his legal services to the local community, as part of the Family Resource Centre’s (FRC) Legal Befrienders clinic. FRC programme coordinator Miriam Foster explained the award is named in honour of a much-valued volunteer.

Need legal advice for contested will
The recent passing of my father has led to awful arguments in my family over how his estate should be divided. I cannot afford to hire a lawyer to sort out the will but am desperate to find a way to settle this. Any suggestions? Auntie’s answer: Your question points to one of those unfortunate […]