Tag: Road works

Why doesn’t the NRA publicise roadworks?

Why doesn’t the NRA publicise roadworks?

| 17/06/2019 | 6 Comments

Why is it that the NRA hardly ever notifies the driving public BEFORE making changes along our roads? Recent examples are the THREE pedestrian crossings around the junction of Mary Street and North Church Street, pedestrian crossings on Walkers Road and South Sound road, lane restrictions by the CNB roundabout. The NRA appears to have […]

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Walkers Road-Olympic Way connector road underway

| 16/04/2019 | 1 Comment

Motorists seeking access to University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) and the Truman Bodden Sports Complex (TBSC) from Walkers Road can look forward to a significantly shorter journey, now that phase one of the construction of a connector road is underway.       A quarter-mile in length, the road begins in the vicinity of Burger […]

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Why are security guards directing traffic?

Why are security guards directing traffic?

| 25/06/2018 | 9 Comments

I would like to know why there are two security guards stopping cars at the entrance to the Royal Palms where the new tunnel is being built so that vehicles coming out of there can get on to West Bay Road? Last week I was forced to stop so that the guard could let out […]

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