Tag: Tara Rivers

Does Tara Rivers have AML certification?
Does the financial services minister have the internationally recognised CAMS (Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist) qualification? Or any other designated anti-money laundering qualifications? Is there anyone on her staff who has those qualifications? Auntie’s answer: This question came as a comment on a CNS story last month on proposed laws relating to the offshore sector. I contacted […]

Minister’s message for National Day of Preparedness
Minister for Home Affairs Tara Rivers writes: On Monday, May 20th the Cayman Islands…observe(s) its National Day of Preparedness with this year’s theme: “Preparedness makes sense and saves lives!” The primary purpose of observing the National Day of Preparedness is to highlight the importance of being ready for the upcoming hurricane season and other natural […]

International Day of Disaster Reduction
Home Affairs Minister Tara Rivers writes: On Saturday, October 13th, the Cayman Islands will join the United Nations in celebrating International Day of Disaster Reduction (IDDR) to promote a culture of disaster reduction, including disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness.

Tara Rivers visits Home Affairs departments
(CNS Local Life): Minister of Home Affairs Tara Rivers has begun meeting with the management and staff of the ministry’s departments to review first-year achievements and discuss strategic priorities going forward. To date she has visited the Department of Public Safety Communications (DPSC) and the Department of Community Rehabilitation (DCR).

Rivers gets briefed on ministry’s work
(CNS Local Life): Minister of Financial Services and Home Affairs Tara Rivers has met with senior managers in her portfolio, during which they briefed her on operations and initiatives, plans for the coming years and other pressing matters. “As the new Minister for these entities, it was important for me to get a comprehensive overview […]

Tara Rivers attends UN for CEDAW extension
(CNS): Minister for Gender Affairs Tara Rivers was at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, 16 March, for the extension of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to the Cayman Islands. She was on hand when the formal instrument to extend CEDAW was deposited at the […]

Ministry offers scholarships for medical specialisation
(CNS): The scholarship application process for the doctors’ specialisation program is now open and will run through 31 January 2016. The Seafarer’s Association is funding two doctors to obtain specialty training overseas for four years and the Education Council is also offering a limited number of scholarships for doctors’ specialisation with an increased scholarship allowance of […]

Edna Moyle Primary receives new laptops
(CNS): A donation of 10 laptops to Edna M. Moyle Primary School (EMPS) will be used to assist Special Education Needs students with reading and writing. Roland Stewart of Paramount Investments donated the laptops, which was arranged by EMPS parent Jay Ebanks. The Acer Aspire Switch laptops have removable keyboards, enabling them to double as tablets. Also on hand […]

Minister Rivers’ World Safety Day Message
(Government): Today the Cayman Islands join the rest of the world in recognising World Day for Safety and Health at Work, or World Safety Day. This day was first recognised in 2003 by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and is an annual campaign to promote safe, healthy and decent work.