Tag: Taste of Cayman

Artist creates tasteful drawings for foodie event
(CNS Local Life): The Taste of Cayman Food and Drink Festival has partnered with local artist Michelle Bryan, whose specially commissioned illustrations will be used on all of the event’s branding and promotion, including on print adverts, banners, flyers and across social media. Organisers of the Cayman Islands Tourism Association’s (CITA) largest annual fundraiser asked […]

Food festival nourishes Meals on Wheels
(CNS Local Life): A raffle held for the Taste of Cayman food and drink festival, which took place last month, raised more than $10,000, with the total split between Cayman Islands Meals on Wheels and organiser Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) to support the various activities of each group.

Taste of Cayman raffle to benefit Meals on Wheels
(CNS Local Life): Cayman Islands Meals on Wheels has been selected as the official charity of the 30th annual Taste of Cayman Food and Drink Festival anniversary festival, set for Saturday, 27 January 2018 at the Festival Green, Camana Bay. Every year, the festival supports the local community through a charity raffle, with funds raised […]

Taste of Cayman volunteers celebrated
(CNS Local Life): Volunteers at this year’s Taste of Cayman Food and Drink Festival were recognised for their help by event organisers at a recent reception. In thanking the volunteers, Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) executive director Tiffany Dixon-Ebanks said, “With this being both one of CITA’s and the Cayman Islands’ largest events, we wouldn’t […]

Taste of Cayman supports Rotaract clubs
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) donated almost $2,900 to the Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman and Rotaract Blue through their raffle at the recent 29th Taste of Cayman Food and Drink Festival, to support the clubs’ continued activities within the community. Pierre Connolly, president of Rotaract Grand Cayman, said that both […]

Two charities to benefit from Taste of Cayman raffle
(CNS Local Life): Two Rotaract clubs have been selected at the official charities of the 29th annual Taste of Cayman Food and Drink Festival, set for Saturday, 28 January 2017. A share of the funds raised by the event’s prize raffle will go towards supporting the various community service and development activities of the Rotaract […]

Taste of Cayman nourishes the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre
(CNS): A fundraising opportunity at this year’s Taste of Cayman has boosted the coffers of the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre (CICC) by more than $1,600. The Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA), which organises the annual food-and-wine festival, selected the charity, which supports victims of domestic abuse, to benefit from patrons of the food and wine festival […]