Geology Education Week a solid success

(L-R) Co-author Dr. Brian Jones presents copy of his textbook to Councillor Winston Connolly, with Water Authority director Dr. Gelia Frederick-van Genderen.
(CNS): As part of Geology Education Week (12-16 October), the Water Authority Cayman (WAC) presented copies of a new textbook, Origin of Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks, to all participating high schools in the Cayman Islands. The book, written by geologist Dr. Brian Jones and his colleague Dr. Noel James, was published in August and will soon be on sale at the National Trust.
The Cayman Islands is made up of unique layers of rocks, from porous limestone to Caymanite, which is only found here, and these are featured in the textbook.
Earlier in the week, Ministry of Education Councillor Winston Connolly accepted a copy of the book on behalf of Minister Tara Rivers.
While the book targets upper-level undergraduate students, it is written as a reference guide for most readers. “There are full-colour photos and illustrations, and it is as up-to-date as we could make it,” Jones explained.
Although the book has a much broader focus than the geology of the Cayman Islands, the extensive research that Jones has done here over the last 30 years has contributed greatly to the publication, he added.
Connolly thanked Dr. Jones and the WAC for the textbook. “We are grateful that someone of your stature is imparting this knowledge, and that our students and professionals will receive the benefit of such a world-class publication,” he said.
During the week, Jones lectured at the Water Authority headquarters to almost two dozen teachers, as well as staff of the National Trust and the Department of the Environment.
For the last three years, the Water Authority has hosted Geology Week.
Category: Education