Archive for April 27th, 2016

The legality of carrying pepper spray
What’s the position on carrying pepper spray or other such small items (not guns) for personal protection in Cayman? Auntie’s answer: This is a very interesting question, the answer to which I think could probably affect many people. I certainly understand the need to feel safe and to be able to protect yourself, but it […]

Customs Department lauds retiring officer
(CNS): Retiring Senior Customs Officer William Watson was celebrated for his commitment and dedication over 33 years in government service at an event held at the department’s headquarters earlier this month. He was also lauded for using his considerable technical and automotive expertise on government’s behalf.

Deadline nears to submit names of scuba pioneers
(CNS): The public has until Friday, 29 April to nominate a scuba diving pioneer for consideration as a local honouree at this year’s International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame (ISDHF). This is the first time that members of the public are being asked to nominate a local diving legend for the honour. The Ministry of […]