Archive for May 4th, 2016

Needs help to find a summer job
Is there a government department that assists high school or local college students with summer job placements or internships? Auntie’s answer: The answer is yes. The National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) offers this service. And the process is very straightforward. The one caveat is that there is a minimum age of 17 for any student […]

Students get imaginative at competition
(CNS): Three schools participated in the second annual Destination Imagination (DI) tournament, held Saturday, 16 April 2016, at Cayman International School (CIS). The Cayman Islands has more 100 students, ranging from kindergarten to year 12, experiencing the DI programme. Destination Imagination is a leading, educational nonprofit dedicated to teaching students the skills needed to succeed […]

Fundraiser drives donations to Breast Cancer Foundation
(CNS): This year’s Island Heritage CharityDrive, held 23 April, raised more than $25,000 for the Breast Cancer Foundation. On the day, the Cayman community drove, clicked and plunged their way into supporting the charity during the fifth annual fundraising event, where the amount donated depends on the level of support displayed through a series of […]

Flautist named Cayman’s top young musician
(CNS): Daniela Granados, a flautist from St Ignatius Catholic School, has won the prestigious Young Musician of the Year competition for 2016. The 17-year-old musician performed the “Sonata Flute and Piano, Op. 120” by Edwin York Bowen, and “Hypnosis” by Ian Clark at the competition held Saturday, 30 April at Prospect Playhouse.