Archive for June 23rd, 2016

Calculating duty on imported goods
How are imported goods assessed at Customs for duties? Is it even remotely possible that the duties cost more than the cost of items paid? What guidelines are they following and is this accessible to the public? Auntie’s answer: Admittedly in the hopes of avoiding having to go through the Customs Law myself, I contacted […]

New company donates savings to NCVO families
(CNS): A recently launched company is already giving back to the community, with Club Save donating 79 memberships, at $25 each, to the parents of children who attend Miss Nadine’s Preschool and the Jack and Jill Nursery under the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). The donated memberships to the savings club, which offers discounts at […]

Climbers reach fundraising heights
(CNS): Despite bad conditions and a health issue for one of their team, Derek Haines and Vico Testori finished the last of three climbs in Bolivia, as part of the Mountains & Marathons Challenge to benefit Have a Heart Cayman. Third team member, Barry Yetton, was forced to abandon the last climb due to respiratory […]