HSA recognises staff for long service

Some of the HSA’s longest-serving employees who were specially celebrated, led by Beverly Wilson (far right), on staff for 47 years.
(CNS): More than 80 percent of the Health Services Authority (HSA) staff, including Faith Hospital in Cayman Brac and all district health centres, were honoured in July for their years of service. The HSA celebrated all its staff members in its annual rewards and recognition ceremony, with special acknowledgement of those who have been working with the organisation for five or more years.
Staff members were honoured in four groups: five to nine years, 10-19 years, 20-34 years and 35+ years. At each event, honourees were ceremonially pinned by senior managers and presented with a gift of appreciation. A special awards function was also held in Cayman Brac for the Faith Hospital staff. Out of the HSA’s approximately 830 employees, 679 were recognised.
Lizzette Yearwood, HSA CEO, congratulated the awardees for playing a significant role in helping the HSA to deliver on its vision and mission.
“We want employees like you to continuously challenge ourselves, strive to raise our standards and make HSA the best. Colleagues, we are proud of you and deeply appreciative of the service that you have rendered to this organisation in the years you have been with us,” she said.
“As our most valuable assets, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued commitment, loyalty and support, and I look forward to working together with you for many years to come.”
Among those employees honoured at the 19 July ceremony held at The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman, were staff who have been working at the HSA for at least 35 years – 12 from Grand Cayman and four from Faith Hospital. West Bay Clinic healthcare aide Beverly Wilson was recognised as the longest serving staff member, having worked with the organisation for 47 years.
Yearwood noted that these recipients are the people the HSA has relied heavily on over the years and who embody the organisation. She said their contributions, commitment and loyalty are important in healthcare and greatly valued by the HSA.
“Your knowledge, your skills, your experience is crucial and this ceremony is to say thank you and to pay tribute to you. You have greatly shaped the culture of the organisation over the years,” she said.
Roy McTaggart, councillor for the Ministry of Health, praised the 12 longest-serving staff for their tremendous accomplishment, saying it exemplified their outstanding reliability, loyalty, dedication, hard work and willingness demonstrated throughout their years of employment.
He added that many of the awardees have worked in the healthcare field since he was a young boy and have cared for multiple generations of Caymanians. Maternity unit nurse manager Shannon Hydes, for example, has delivered more than three generations of babies including his children and grandchild.
McTaggart advised that the younger and newer staff members should consider the long-serving employees role models since there is much to be learned from them.
Category: Medical and Health