Archive for February, 2017

Golf Tournament aids Alzheimer’s Association
(CNS Local Life): The Pirates Week Charity Golf Classic went off without a hitch on Friday 17 February with dozens of golf lovers teeing up to help raise funds for the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Association of the Cayman Islands (ADACI). Although due to inclement weather the event had been postponed from its original date of […]

Sex equality on agenda at Women’s Day event
(CNS Local Life): An American cultural theorist will be speaking in Grand Cayman next Wednesday on the topic, “Gender on the Agenda: Why equality between the sexes is a critical issue for women and men”. Dr Jackson Katz, gender equality campaigner, academic and author, will be the key note speaker at the International Women’s Day […]

Unsure about roundabout right of way
When exiting the Butterfield roundabout (by AL Thompson’s) heading to Camana Bay, who has right of way to merge, if two cars are turning off at the same time? I understood it was always the right-hand lane which had priority, but my Canadian work colleague believed it was the inside lane who had priority. Auntie’s […]

Cayman’s swimmers vying for CARIFTA spots
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Amateur Swimming Association (CIASA) hosted the fourth annual Cayman Islands National Swimming Championship 16-19 February at the Camana Bay Aquatic Centre, with the open-water 5K taking place earlier in the month. A number of swimmers made qualifying times across the course of the weekend in order to be considered […]

Employee’s status unexpectedly changed to contractor
Can an employer unilaterally change your contract from employee to that of an independent contractor? I work in the real estate business and my employer has just changed my contract stating that I am now an independent contractor, in essence making me a subcontractor. I have been informed that I must pay my full 10% […]

Red Sky set to light up the night
(CNS Local Life): The fifth annual Red Sky at Night, the celebration of Caymanian arts and culture, takes place tomorrow (25 February) on the grounds of the Harquail Theatre. One of the anchor events of Cayfest, the Cayman Islands National Festival of the Arts, and a favourite of artisans and attendees alike, the event, running […]

Taste of Cayman supports Rotaract clubs
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) donated almost $2,900 to the Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman and Rotaract Blue through their raffle at the recent 29th Taste of Cayman Food and Drink Festival, to support the clubs’ continued activities within the community. Pierre Connolly, president of Rotaract Grand Cayman, said that both […]

Cyclists riding on the wrong side of the road
Can you help settle an intra-spousal argument? What’s the legal position on cyclists who ride their bikes into oncoming traffic? I get the logic that they can see cars coming better, but shouldn’t they be required to follow the rules of the road like everyone else? Auntie’s answer: I am always happy to resolve disagreements […]

Crowds celebrate coconuts at festival
(CNS Local Life): With organisers struggling to get people to leave, as fish was still frying in aromatic coconut oil and coconut muskets were still flying well after the 4pm closing time, the Coco Fest, still only in its second year, has claimed its rightful place on the calendar of annual events in Grand Cayman. […]

First lionfish cull of the year set
(CNS Local Life): The first lionfish tournament of 2017 is scheduled for 25 and 26 February, with each of the invasive species that is caught analysed by the Department of Environment (DoE), and then sold to local restaurants. The event, organised under the mantle of the Cayman United Lionfish League (CULL), protects Cayman’s shores, provides […]

Rules for putting up election billboards
I was of the understanding that there were rules concerning the signage for candidates in the upcoming election — when signage may go up and when it must be taken down. My understanding is that no signs were to go up till parliament had been dissolved and must be taken down prior to the polls […]

Young runners ready to go Off the Beaten Track
(CNS Local Life): A group of young athletes is training for one of Cayman’s most challenging sporting events, the Off the Beaten Track (OTBT) 50K ultra-marathon and relay route, set for Sunday, 26 February. The team, the Solomon Harris Speedsters, will be taking on a course that goes through tropical bush, sandy beaches and the back […]

Golden Spoons Review: The Brooklyn Pizza + Pasta
(CNS Foodie): I was excited when I first heard about a pizza/pasta place opening in Camana Bay (because I love pizza). So when The Brooklyn Pizza + Pasta opened in 2015, I eagerly grabbed a quick bite with a friend but, unfortunately, wasn’t all that impressed. The pizza was either trying too hard or bored […]

Kids come out for Gaelic football
(CNS Local Life): Young Gaelic football enthusiasts showed up in force for the first training session of the year, on Saturday, 11 February at the Cayman International School pitch. The “Start of Season Blitz” event for the Kids Gaelic Football Club attracted 65 children who learned about the sport from 15 coaches.

CIS celebrates diversity of school
(CNS Local Life): Cayman International School (CIS) hosted its annual “International Night” on Wednesday, 15 February, in the Arts and Recreational Centre at Camana Bay, offering CIS families the opportunity to showcase the countries they represent. The school counts 32 nationalities amongst its faculty and student body. This year’s event was themed “The Five Senses” […]

Nominations open for Proud of Them awards
(CNS Local Life): The public is encouraged to acknowledge excellence among young people by submitting nominations for the Proud of Them award programme. Nominations are open for the next group of recipients who must be between the ages of 10 and 25 years old and deserve recognition for their achievements in academics, sports, their career, […]

Can MLAs decline their salaries?
Is it possible for an individual to “volunteer” for office? That is, if an individual is interested in politics and steering their country’s ship and is qualified to run as a candidate, is it possible for that person to run for office and, if elected, accept the seat with no or half the salary? If […]

Brac sports officials learn about child abuse prevention
(CNS Local Life): A delegation from the Ministry of Community Affairs, Youth and Sports travelled to Cayman Brac on Thursday, 9 February, to kick off the first in a series of child abuse prevention training sessions specifically targeting sports administrators and officials. The sessions, which are led by the Director of the Department of Children […]