Archive for February 23rd, 2017

Cyclists riding on the wrong side of the road
Can you help settle an intra-spousal argument? What’s the legal position on cyclists who ride their bikes into oncoming traffic? I get the logic that they can see cars coming better, but shouldn’t they be required to follow the rules of the road like everyone else? Auntie’s answer: I am always happy to resolve disagreements […]

Crowds celebrate coconuts at festival
(CNS Local Life): With organisers struggling to get people to leave, as fish was still frying in aromatic coconut oil and coconut muskets were still flying well after the 4pm closing time, the Coco Fest, still only in its second year, has claimed its rightful place on the calendar of annual events in Grand Cayman. […]

First lionfish cull of the year set
(CNS Local Life): The first lionfish tournament of 2017 is scheduled for 25 and 26 February, with each of the invasive species that is caught analysed by the Department of Environment (DoE), and then sold to local restaurants. The event, organised under the mantle of the Cayman United Lionfish League (CULL), protects Cayman’s shores, provides […]