Churches raise money to help young students

Principal Dr O’Neil Duncan receives a cheque on behalf of Cayman Academy, flanked by Conference community services director Pastor Caple Thompson and assistant director Angela Hall
(CNS Local Life): Community services departments in various Adventist churches in Cayman donated a total of $15,000, which will benefit 60 children from 12 public and private schools by covering lunches, uniforms and other items during the 2017/18 academic year. The funding was made possible through the efforts of a number of Adventist congregations; last year the effort resulted in $8,000 being disbursed among 43 students.
This year’s funds were also raised through a fish fry held at the George Town Adventist Church, at which community services volunteers from other churches participated as well.
Lyneth Monteith, Director of the Department of Education Services, thanked everyone involved. “This partnership to provide funding for students with barriers to their educational progress is greatly appreciated,” she said. “I thank the Adventist community services departments for yet another generous contribution.”
The funds were recently presented to school principals who will give each selected child $250, with 80% of parents being assisted asking for the money to be applied to lunch for their children.
“Many of the selected families were already being serviced by the soup kitchens operated by a number of Adventist churches,” said Elsie Myles, leader of community services at the George Town Adventist Church. “We were also already aware of our communities’ needs through outreach initiatives in the various participating churches.”
She added that her only regret is the limitations in resources needed to adequately address community needs. “I only wish we could do more,” she said, noting that she looked forward to all the Adventist churches participating so they could meet those needs.
“If we all unite and work together on this project, we should be able to help hundreds of children,” she said.
Myles added she was grateful for all the volunteers and leaders from the participating churches who assisted in numerous ways, from helping to sell tickets and collect donations, to cooking, serving, and otherwise supporting the initiative.
She also thanked the George Town Adventist Church members, who donated the funds to purchase most of the supplies for the fish fry, as well as corporate sponsors. “Above all, I thank the public for purchasing tickets and giving generous donations,” she said.
In addition, she thanked those individuals and businesses that throughout the year donate funds, food supplies and clothing to the churches to help the needy in their communities.
If only all business had this mentality.