Archive for February, 2018

Getting online access for licence renewal
For online driver’s licence renewals do you really have to go in to an actual DVDL location to ‘get a number’ to be able to renew your licence online? And if so, I think the DVDL have missed the point about online services! On the government e-services portal, it says, “ESID (required to register for online […]

YMCA and Little League join forces
(CNS Local Life): The YMCA of the Cayman Islands (Y) and the Cayman Islands Little League (CILL) are combining resources, allowing two of the oldest and largest providers of youth programmes in the world to unite in a shared passion for building character in Cayman’s youth. The Y will provide the Little League Association with […]

Two Caymanians join future parliamentarians
(CNS Local Life): Two young people are in Jersey this week representing the Cayman Islands at the ninth Commonwealth Youth Parliament (9th CYP). Chauntae Martinez (19) and Adrian Stewart (21) join the more than 50 Commonwealth youth delegates aged 18 to 29 at the parliament, hosted by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) and the States […]

Doesn’t want paper phone directory
I am sick of people leaving promotional junk on my doorstep. I religiously recycle everything it is possible to recycle in the Cayman Islands and strongly object to having these magazines, leaflets and whatever — which I call unasked for garbage — left for me whether I want them or not. The latest culprit is […]

Secondary school athletes ready to compete
(CNS Local Life): The annual Inter-Secondary Track and Field Meet is set to take place at the Truman Bodden Sports Centre (TBSC) on 1-2 March. The Ministry of Education and the Department of Education Services, in partnership with the Department of Sports, are hosting the event, which features participants from nearly every secondary school in […]

Swimming records broken at Nationals
(CNS Local Life): Several national and Cayman Islands Aquatic Sports Association (CIASA) records were broken at the annual CIASA National Championship, held 15-18 February 2018 and marking the single largest competitive swimming competition of the year in the 25m short course. For four days every February, qualifying heats take place every morning with finals […]

Golden Apple returns to honour educators
(CNS Local Life): After an absence of five years, the Golden Apple Awards, which recognises outstanding public and private school educators, is returning, with a ceremony set for Saturday, 26 May. The Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, introduced the awards in 2007, with the event running every year […]

YMCA to continue after-school programme
(CNS Local Life): The Education Ministry has renewed its contract with the YMCA of the Cayman Islands to allow the Y to continue managing and operating the Extended After-School Programme (EASP). The programme services 15 government schools in Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac, providing after-school activities for as many as 1,600 students.

Cook-off champions crowned
(CNS Local Life): John Gray High School students Joshua McLean and Diandra Thompson cooked up a storm to win the 2018 National Youth Cook-Off final at the Agricultural Show on Wednesday, 14 February. The 14-year-old amateur chefs from George Town impressed judges with their pan-seared snapper fillets accompanied by a mango salsa and a medley […]

West Bay police and community clean district
(CNS Local Life): Community officers of the RCIPS recently helped the West Bay community clean up their district. From 6am-9am on Saturday, 17 February, the officers joined a clean-up, followed by assisting with the removal of derelict vehicles. The clean-up was organised by a West Bay Central community group, which formed earlier this year to […]

Events set for honouring women
(CNS Local Life): The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day, annually celebrated on 8 March, is “#PressforProgress”, a call to motivate and unite friends, colleagues and the entire community to think, act and be gender inclusive. Throughout March, which is Honouring Women Month, the Family Resource Centre (FRC) will be holding related events including […]

Book on mangroves donated to primary schools
(CNS Local Life): Cayman Brac writer and author Martin Keeley donated copies of his book Marvellous Mangroves: Myths & Legends to every Year 5 teacher in the Cayman Islands. Presenting the books to Catherine Childs, National Trust education manager, Keeley explained that the Marvellous Mangroves education programme has been part of the school curriculum since […]

Food festival nourishes Meals on Wheels
(CNS Local Life): A raffle held for the Taste of Cayman food and drink festival, which took place last month, raised more than $10,000, with the total split between Cayman Islands Meals on Wheels and organiser Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) to support the various activities of each group.

Chamber golf tourney scores with players
(CNS Local Life): The Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic, held Friday, 16 February at the North Sound Golf Club, featured 27 teams battling on the links over five hours. In addition to the four-person-team scramble format, golfers played for bragging rights and prizes in a series of closest-to-the-pin and longest drive challenges.

Time to celebrate cultural diversity
(CNS Local Life): Dress For Culture Day, the Cayman National Cultural Foundation’s (CNCF) annual “dress up, dress down” fundraiser, will take place Friday, 23 February. Organisers are inviting schools, businesses and individuals across the Cayman Islands to get creative and display their homeland pride and cultural attire on that day. CNCF is asking for a […]

More confusion over new licence plates
I know that DVDL is telling people to come pick up their new licence plates. To replace them, we are supposed to bring in our old plates, logbook and windscreen coupon. I’m confused why we have to peel off the old coupon to get our new plate. Seems a waste of time to do that […]