DEH advises on safe handling of garbage

George Town landfill
(CNS Local Life): The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) has launched a public-awareness campaign on the importance of safely packing and handling garbage, and is providing tips on how to facilitate the waste-collection process. Officials at the department have also been taking steps to manage the performance of collection workers so that the fleet operates smoothly.
The DEH said in a press release that a continuous dialogue with the public is necessary to ensure that local residents always have access to the information and resources required to ensure a smooth waste-collection process.
An important component of this, according to the DEH, is ensuring that people can both handle and package garbage safely in keeping with good sanitation practices. In the case of residents, the DEH said, this is important when transporting garbage from indoor to outdoor containers, and for collection workers when picking up from the kerb and at any time thereafter.
The DEH is also seeking to raise awareness of the various services that it offers through its 24-hour drop-off facility at the entrance of the George Town landfill and on a larger scale within the landfill itself.
Tips from the DEH:
Safe and easy handling and packaging of garbage
All residents must avoid placing sharp or broken objects (e.g. glass, syringes, garden waste) in residential waste containers. Additionally, residential garbage containers should also not weigh more than 40 pounds when full. To prevent injury to themselves, residents are further advised to ensure that any bags that they may be carrying to an outdoor container are always at a manageable weight.
Furthermore, for public health reasons, special arrangements should be made with the either the DEH or a reputable garbage hauler for the removal of deceased animals.
The department also suggests that residents flatten cardboard boxes prior to their disposal to efficiently utilise space, but adds that cardboard can be recycled.
Garbage containers and their placement
DEH asks residential customers to ensure that all garbage is placed in large garbage bags rather than individual shopping bags.
Outdoor garbage containers should be made from sturdy materials in order to withstand weathering and wear and tear. They should also have a tightly fitted cover and handles.
The containers must be accessible to collection crews at all times. If bins are inaccessible, then garbage will be collected on the next scheduled collection day; provided it is accessible to the collection crew. Containers must be securely stored inside of a proper enclosure when not being collected. They should never be placed outside of an enclosure in any area which will impede the flow of traffic.
24-hour drop off area at George Town landfill
Metals and bulky items, including appliances and electronics, should always be disposed of at the 24- hour drop-off area at the entrance of the George Town landfill. Household hazardous waste, including: cooking oils, grease, paint, solvents, bleach, and cleaning supplies must also be taken to this location. Small quantities of household garbage may also be left at the site.
Large quantities of household garbage; commercial garbage from landscaping, construction or other sources; larger metals including derelict vehicles; and hazardous waste, such as drums of oil, should be dropped off inside the main section of the George Town landfill, which is open from 7am to 6:30pm, Mondays to Saturdays.
Cayman Brac and Little Cayman landfills
All garbage should be disposed of in the main section of both landfills, which are open from 7am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
For more information, to arrange for services such as the removal of derelict vehicles, or to report any issues with collection, call either of the DEH administrative offices at 949-6696 (Grand Cayman) or 948-2321 (Sister Islands), email the DEH, go to the DEH website, or send a message via its Facebook page.
Category: Community