Law school lecturer named to academic journal

Laura Panades
(CNS Local Life): Truman Bodden Law School (TBLS) LLM course leader Laura Panades has been appointed country correspondent for the Cayman Islands for a leading academic journal. The European Procurement & Public-Private Partnerships Law Review (EPPPL) is a top-ranked academic journal, “highly commended for the quality of its publications”, stated a TBLS press release.
The journal attracts contributions from academics and practitioners working in public procurement. As country correspondent, Panades will be responsible for reporting regularly on Cayman’s public procurement development.
She will also be involved in the peer-review of other academics’ submissions to the journal before they can be published.
The appointment follows Panades’ publication of three reports on public procurement and public-private partnerships in Cayman in EPPPL. “The articles highlight Cayman’s achievements in public procurement,” Panades explained.
“This is a very important area of government business, both in terms of the impact on Cayman’s citizens, as well as to ensuring that Cayman’s money is well spent. These articles put Cayman Islands in the academic spotlight, for further discussion and improvement through dialogue.”
Public procurement regulates the purchase of goods, works and services by the public sector. In the Cayman Islands, it represents 27% of the public budget (data for 2016), said TBLS in the press release.
Public-private partnerships are contracts where the public and the private sector jointly provide public goods, works or services in the long term and cooperate at several stages of the project.
Panades’ research tackles the legislative developments in Cayman and pinpoints a few areas where further enquiry is needed, said the release.
This research will feed into the new LLM in International Finance: Law and Regulation at the law school, which includes a course on the law of public-private partnerships.
The journal is available online under subscription. Paper copies of the article are available at the law school’s library on request.
Mitchell Davies, TBLS director, said of Panades’ appointment to the journal: “These publications give further international recognition to the law school’s legal research output. This is further evidence that the law school staff provide first-rate legal education on island, with delivery from tutors having a growing international reputation.”
Category: Education
“Public procurement in Cayman is lawless, corrupt and largely decided at lodge meetings.” There you go, Ms Panades, the Cayman chapter has been written for you.