Archive for October 1st, 2018

Primary football season opens

Primary football season opens

| 01/10/2018 | 0 Comments

(PFL): The 2018 CUC Primary Football League (PFL) and Girls’ Primary Football League (GPFL) regular seasons began this past Saturday, 29 September, with games at various venues across Grand Cayman. In Group A at the Dart Field, Cayman International School (CIS) and Sir John A. Cumber Primary opened the new season with three entertaining games.

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Cabanas can be booked online

Cabanas can be booked online

| 01/10/2018 | 2 Comments

(CNS Local Life): The Public Works Department (PWD) has introduced an online booking service for residents to reserve cabanas at all 12 public parks and seven public beaches. “Ensuring that our people can benefit from our natural environment is of great importance to government,” said Joey Hew, Minister for Commerce, Planning and Infrastructure in a […]

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World Habitat Day message

World Habitat Day message

| 01/10/2018 | 1 Comment

Health Minister Dwayne Seymour: Each year, the United Nations designates the first Monday in October as World Habitat Day, reflecting on the fact that, while we all have a right to decent housing, we all also share a responsibility to make our communities and homes cleaner and safer.

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