Archive for October 23rd, 2018

Drivers need to turn off their high beams
What are the laws regarding the use of high beam lights in vehicles? I’m constantly blinded by at least 35% of vehicles driving around with high beam lights for no real reason. Maybe you can ask RCIPS as well if this is not enforceable or should I just have a spotlight to beam back into […]

Raffle winner drives off with car
(CNS Local Life): A raffle organised by the Breast Cancer Foundation of Cayman (BCF) as part of their annual gala and fundraiser brought in $25,000 to the non-profit, with Bernice Scott named the winner of a Jeep Wrangler. The draw was held at the annual Breast Cancer Gala on 6 October, which raised more than […]

Training is a SNAP for local educators
(CNS Local Life): A full day of Stop Now And Plan (SNAP) training was given to 25 educators from government schools at the Family Resource Centre (FRC) on Thursday, 18 October. In addition, two half-day SNAP sessions for 50 more teaching staff were held the following two days.