Clarifying duty-free rules

| 21/11/2018

I was wondering if I can bring in tobacco, and/or spirits, in excess of the duty-free allowance, for my personal use, under the $500 allowance; i.e., if I only spend $100 at Target can I bring in $200 worth of Bailey’s, and $200 of Marlboro lights for my $500?

Ask Auntie, CNS Local Life, Caymanian statusAuntie’s answer: This is one of those questions where I can give you the short answer and will then explain if you want more details. So, the quick response is “no”.

If you interested in learning why, please read on. Residents may bring in dutiable items or household articles from overseas, at the discretion of the collector, up to a value of CI$500 (or US$595). In addition, passengers who are over the age of 18 may also bring with them spirits, beer or wine duty free within the limits set by customs.

However, the limits for the two categories — household items and alcohol — are not interchangeable, which was confirmed by a Customs Department official. In other words, spirits and cigarettes cannot form part of the $500 allowance even if your total value of dutiable goods is less than that. If you choose to bring in more than the prescribed limits on alcohol and tobacco products, you will be liable for that duty.

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Category: Ask Auntie, Customs Questions

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Confused. So I can bring $500 of news clothes, a $100 bottle of rum, and a carton of cigarettes, and pay no duty?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Marlboro Lights wont help him with his C.O.P.D when he hits 65. Give up now, man.