Ask Auntie

Does DEH test for H2S at landfill?
Does the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) regularly test for carbons or hydrogen sulphide at the landfill? I read an article that children should not be within 5km of a landfill due to toxic pollutants in the air which is of great concern. Auntie’s answer: First of all, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) smells like rotten eggs, […]

What to do about unwelcome cullers?
Every day this week there have been cullers, armed with guns, on my property. They have arrived on foot, by car, parking on my land, and even by boat. They do not ask permission. They are uninvited, unwelcome, and trespassing. I have to tell them to leave — I do not like confronting armed men. […]

Are there rules for leaving garbage out?
I have noticed a few things when the garbage trucks come in the morning to pick up the trash in my neighbourhood. If the trash bins are not outside the enclosure, they don’t bother emptying them and if they do, they don’t put them back where they belong and instead just leave them lying around by […]

Will people in NWDA system have to register with WORC?
Will Caymanians who have already registered with the National Workforce Development Agency have to re-register with Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman? Auntie’s answer: Yes, people previously registered with NWDA will have to do so again at WORC but not quite yet. A WORC official explained that re-registration is required “due to the forming of a […]

Update on permanent residency question
(Auntie): Since publishing a column earlier this week about a husband who wanted to wait past his term limit to apply for permanent residency, I have received additional information from a local immigration lawyer and am therefore updating the original response. The question was: “My term limit is coming up but my wife still has […]

Who is the actor in film about Long Celia?
I recently visited the Cayman Islands National Museum. It was very interesting and lovely. I was just wondering if you knew the name of the actor who played opposite Long Celia in the video? She looks familiar but I can’t remember her name. Auntie’s answer: The woman in question is Cynthia Hew, who played Sarah […]

Can I wait past nine years to apply for PR?
My term limit is coming up but my wife still has several years. I’d like to apply for PR, but ideally I’d wait until after my own term limit. Am I able to continue working as a dependent of my wife until I’m ready to apply for PR? Basically, it comes down to buying a […]

What justices sit on the appeals court?
How can the public find out who is on the Court of Appeal and where can we read more about them? Auntie’s answer: I’ve summarised a question that appeared in the comment section of this article: Appeal court to hear first challenges to life tariffs. The full comment is here. The information you seek can […]

What happened to my change?
Has it become the norm not to receive change when paying in cash? This has happened to me, not only in restaurants (where the service charge is 15% or higher), but also in fast food places and even dry cleaners. On occasions, particularly where the change is significant, I have had the embarrassment of having […]

Is stamp duty paid on leases?
Why rent when it seems you have to pay for stamp duty on your lease agreement no matter the length of time on your lease? I’ve never paid this stamp duty but if it is the case, it makes more sense to buy. Can you confirm that lease agreements regardless of the length of time […]

Why Botanic Park entrance fee so high?
I went to the Botanic Park and was asked to pay $25. Nowhere in the fee schedule is there mention of $25. When I protested that I was a resident and had never paid over $5, I was then charged $5 upon proof. Why the demand for $25? Was this legitimate? And why is the […]

Was scholarship opportunity publicised?
On 9 August 2019 an article was published in the local media about three Caymanians receiving a scholarship from Flow. According to the article, “The following day, the students met with the leadership team again for a mix and mingle hour. During this activity, the leadership team evaluated the students to decide which applicants would […]

How does CUC calculate monthly fuel costs?
How does CUC determine the fuel cost multiplier used with kWh consumed to calculate the total fuel cost on the monthly bill? Auntie’s answer: A CUC representative explained how the company determines the fuel cost used as part of the calculation of monthly electric bills, and I think it best to quote the answer directly. […]

What happens if a Caymanian business partner dies?
Hypothetically, a micro business is set up with the required 60% Caymanian, 40% non-Caymanian. There are just two people involved, and it’s going along nicely, but the Caymanian sadly passes away. What becomes of the business and the non-Caymanian’s status both in the business and on the island? Auntie’s answer: The Local Companies (Control) Law […]

Are airport taxis still charging a flat rate?
Can you clarify whether the flat rate taxi fares from the airport are still in effect? Or did those change? The previous rate sheet had a separate section for rates from the airport, which were a little bit lower than if you calculate by the mile. Auntie’s answer: This question came as a comment on […]

What crimes bar people from running for office?
What kind of crimes and how long one will have to be in jail for different crimes to stop one from running for MLA in the elections? I heard one can go to jail for some kind of crime and still run for elections and other crimes one cannot run for election. The relevant section […]