What to do about unwelcome cullers?
Every day this week there have been cullers, armed with guns, on my property. They have arrived on foot, by car, parking on my land, and even by boat. They do not ask permission. They are uninvited, unwelcome, and trespassing. I have to tell them to leave — I do not like confronting armed men. What steps is the DoE, who initiated this situation, taking to stop this?

Auntie’s answer: The Department of Environment has been very clear from the start that cullers have no special right to invade private property. A DoE spokesperson stressed that any culler wishing to cull on private land must get permission first.
“We have made this abundantly clear to every culler who has registered. Also it is a requirement of every firearm license issued by RCIPS that no firearm can be discharged on any property without the property owner’s permission. We have also made this clear publicly on a great many occasions, via TV, radio, online and printed news providers, social media, etc.”
He said that the DoE and the RCIPS are ready to take action against any culler who violates the terms of their registration and/or licence in that way.
However, he explained, “To take action we need some way to identify the offending person or persons (obviously, nether agency can monitor 500+ registered cullers for compliance all the time). Our cull manager reminds all cullers frequently on this matter, but to take action we need actionable information – security camera images, photographs of cullers, vehicles with number plates, name and/or culler ID card – anything that enables us to reach reasonable certainty that an identifiable culler has been trespassing, which then allows us (and/or RCIPS) to take appropriate action.”
If this happens again, I suggest you call DoE Public Education and Outreach Officer Brent Fuller (direct: 244-5984 or cell: 922-5514).
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Category: Ask Auntie, Legal Questions
I understand the worries of the homeowner. I wonder why they have taken a protective stance against the culling of the green iguanas??
Why not do a meet-and-greet with the cullers, get to know them, as they are Caymanians. Talk with them, get a sense of them, and then turn them loose. This is your opportunity to set timelines and boundaries. Tell them your concerns. The cullers are reasonable people. Talk with them.
Why don’t you offer them a cold beverage and help them with this important work?
Hey everybody!! I found the guy that likes iguana poo all over his dock and boat and around his pool.
If you want to save these island rats, ie = iguanas, please feel free to drop them off to his place.
Don’t forget, in Cayman laws are not for us Caymanians to obey, they’re for others. But they don’t get implemented anyway no matter who it is breaking them so “bingo”, no problem.