Archive for January 21st, 2019

Hats on for the National Trust
(CNS Local Life): The National Trust will host its sixth annual Hatitude brunch gala Sunday, 27 January in support of protecting and preserving Cayman’s wild environments and the flora and fauna that live within. Each year, the Trust themes its family-friendly brunch to bring awareness to Cayman’s unique and delicate natural environment; this year’s theme […]

CIFA youth leagues kick off new season
(CIFA): The 2019 Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) youth leagues got off to an exciting start this past Saturday, 19 January with a full schedule of boys’ and girls’ games. In the Girls Under 11 league, Academy SC’s Millicent Hoffman scored the season’s first hat trick as she led her team to a 6-0 win […]

National Heroes Day programme set
(CNS Local Life): Details have been released for the upcoming National Heroes Day celebration, at which pioneers who contributed to the creation of the Cayman Islands’ Coat of Arms will be honoured. In addition to recognising the vestrymen and justices of the peace who were instrumental to getting the Coat of Arms in place, organisations […]

Expired licence for utility company
Is there an update on the new or renewed licence for Cayman Brac Power & Light? According to OfReg’s website, CP&L’s licence expired on 16 December 2018. Auntie’s answer: The question came up in the comments 16 January under this article: OfReg gives nod to CUC plan to ease off fossil fuels. The reader is […]