How does CUC calculate monthly fuel costs?
How does CUC determine the fuel cost multiplier used with kWh consumed to calculate the total fuel cost on the monthly bill?

Auntie’s answer: A CUC representative explained how the company determines the fuel cost used as part of the calculation of monthly electric bills, and I think it best to quote the answer directly. I have also included part of a CUC bill below for reference.
“To calculate the fuel rate applied to bills, CUC utilises the actual cost of fuel and lubricating oil (lube) used to generate electricity in a month, which CUC purchases at competitive market prices,” the CUC spokesperson said. “That monthly cost is divided by the electricity consumed by all CUC customers in kilowatt-hours (kWh) within the same month. The result of this calculation is a per kWh rate to be applied to bills on a two-month delay basis.”

That calculation is then sent to the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) for review and approval before it is applied to customers’ bills.
In addition, CUC publishes fuel costs in advance on its website “for customers who would like to budget with this knowledge”.
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Category: Ask Auntie, Misc Questions
Why do CUC charge such a fee when your solar panels cover the electricity used? Feels like I’m paying for something they’re not providing!
I thought the purpose of OfReg was to look out for the consumers – obviously, they are looking out for CUC.
5.53am count yourself lucky it was CI$45.87 mine was CI$730 for July and I am dreading the next one. I am sure there are a lot more horror amounts that will show up on here. How about a referendum to stop CUC robbing us blind, they are worse than someone stealing your purse and where is the Auditor General?
They do not meter the use of fuel or lubes. They just take a measurement of what they bought versus what is left at the end of the month. Any leaks, losses, and internal use of fuel all gets billed to the consumer! CUC/OfReg needs to fix this.
CUC also charges an energy charge every month, which they claim covers light poles and substations.
They don’t cover no expense themselves, the consumers pay everything for them.
CUC is a rip off and government contninues to make them get away with it.
My July bill, in FL (1,100 sq.ft unit) was $45.87. Fuel charges: $8.48. Taxes and charges $3.64