Courts Questions

What justices sit on the appeals court?
How can the public find out who is on the Court of Appeal and where can we read more about them? Auntie’s answer: I’ve summarised a question that appeared in the comment section of this article: Appeal court to hear first challenges to life tariffs. The full comment is here. The information you seek can […]

Why not called for jury service?
How do I know if I am an eligible juror? I keep seeing lists of jurors required for different periods but I never get a notification. How would I get notified? I’ve been a naturalised status holder for seven years now. Auntie’s answer: Although you are a naturalised status holder, you will not be eligible […]

Getting excused from serving as a juror
As a Caymanian, I am truly happy to carry out juror duty for my country — it is an honour to do this. However, I am self-employed and my business is literally not able to run without me present, which can impact heavily on the income for my family. Should I be called for juror […]