Ask Auntie

Uber service might reduce drunk driving
I was wondering if an Uber-type taxi service would be allowed in Cayman? I believe the amount of drunk drivers on the road here in Cayman must partly be a reflection of the horrendous prices taxis charge and the lack of other viable alternatives. Auntie’s answer: This is another of those questions that has come […]

Is advertising allowed on our beaches?
While walking on the beach recently, I noticed a tall advertisement banner planted in the sand, on the beach side of Hyatt. Is this permitted? Auntie’s answer: Advertising is not allowed without getting formal permission. A Ministry of Planning official explained that a banner sign on the beach would require approval from the Department of […]

Unhappy with state of old Hyatt property
I had thought that Cayman government passed a law some years ago that empowered it to charge $25,000 a day to owners of derelict properties. Why then is Dart not charged for the eyesore formerly called the Hyatt hotel, which as many know, is the remains of an amazing property destroyed by Hurricane Ivan. Auntie’s […]

Landlord wants to charge tenant’s guests
Just wondering what the laws are for landlords and registering their rentals and how tenants can know if it is a legally registered rental property. I know of a landlord who also wants to charge their tenants hotel rates for family to visit and stay in her studio apartment. Not to mention she has been […]

Can an MLA be ousted from office?
How do you initiate a vote of no confidence for elected officials? Auntie’s answer: I think your question is about removing Members of the Legislative Assembly from office rather than a vote of no confidence, which can be exercised for the premier. This occurred in 2012, when then-premier McKeeva Bush was ousted after such a […]

Are you allowed to own a slingshot in Cayman?
Someone said that slingshots are illegal in the Cayman Islands. Can you please confirm that? Auntie’s answer: This is one of those questions that I thought would be easy to answer, but I was wrong. However, an RCIPS spokesperson helped me through it. Apparently, there is nothing specific in the law that, as it pertains […]

Customs gets ‘D’ for ‘disappointing’
(Auntie): As a general rule, I try to stay positive and look on the brighter side of things, especially when I encounter so many people, both in the public and private sector, who genuinely seem determined to help, some of whom I have praised with an Ask Auntie Award. However, there are occasions when no […]

Disturbed by coconut seller in neighbourhood
How are street vendors regulated? Suddenly I have someone selling coconuts outside my house, not downtown where the tourists are but in a residential neighbourhood. Can he do this? Can I freely tell him to move along? Auntie’s answer: There are several departments potentially involved in answering various points that your question brings up. But […]

MLAs jumping the queue
I’ve noticed on several occasions MLAs visiting the government building and demanding their personal applications be processed right away. Do you think they should get priority? They treat the staff with no respect. Auntie’s answer: Up front I will say that I have never had time for people who take advantage of their position or […]

DVDL should exchange licence plates at all offices
Why are the new licence plates not available at the Breakers and West Bay locations of the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing (DVDL)? You go and get your vehicle inspected and licensed at these two places, then have to go to the Crewe Road office to pick up your new licence plates. Such an inconvenience […]

DEH did not pick up garbage
Online, the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) states that garbage is supposed to be collected from residences once a week, on the day listed (here is the link). However, over a two-and-a-half-week period recently in the Rum Point area, garbage wasn’t even collected once. And it wasn’t just us, the road as far into town as […]

Wants to live on a boat in Cayman
I am trying to find out if it is illegal to sleep in my car or if it’s legal to live on a boat? I already know trailer homes are illegal but not all of us agree with ridiculous real estate prices and trying to keep the image of our precious high standard of living. […]

Concerned by threats to freedom of speech
We have seen in the recent past the actions and articulations of the Cayman Islands Government (and at times other legislators) in regards to freedom of expression, free speech and freedom of the press. For instance: the Cayman(ian) Compass ad-pull and public rebuke by legislators (on both sides); the speaker’s recent comments and warning/veiled threat […]

Curious about unidentified remains
Has there been any new information on the bones that were found in Bodden Town? Auntie’s answer: It turns out the timing of your question was just about perfect because an RCIPS press release came out today discussing those very bones. For the related CNS story, see Human bones found in BT remain a mystery. But […]

When is a bicycle not a bicycle?
Do you have any idea if these ‘ordinary looking’ bicycles which appear to be equipped with motors are required to have vehicle licences and do their riders require drivers’ licences? The reason I ask is because it is now a fairly regular sight to see these things “shooting” down the road and some are even driven […]