RSSAsk Auntie

Rights of people to protest publicly

Rights of people to protest publicly

| 22/06/2017 | 2 Comments

If government gives the OK to remove beach rock along Seven Mile Beach, can a group of citizens legally protest the decision and the operation? Auntie’s answer: I approached the Human Rights Commission (HRC) about your question, but they are only able to answer in general terms. The commission can point to what rights are […]

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Regulating the number of taxi drivers

Regulating the number of taxi drivers

| 20/06/2017 | 19 Comments

How does the government issue taxi licences? What are the criteria and is there any kind of limit on how many are issued per year or at any one time? Auntie’s answer: There is a whole process involved in obtaining a public transport permit, with a taxi licence one of six categories of permit available. […]

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Public boat ramps need to be improved

Public boat ramps need to be improved

| 19/06/2017 | 8 Comments

Why are the public launching ramps constantly kept in poor condition due to not being excavated regularly, whilst the private sector can attain excavation permits by simply going through the proper legal channels?  Is the government planning on upgrading or adding boat ramps for access to Seven Mile Beach? The one by the Lobster Pot has […]

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Boss makes female employee uncomfortable

Boss makes female employee uncomfortable

| 15/06/2017 | 8 Comments

Because of the nature of my work, I quite often have to sit quite close to my boss while we go over documents. But increasingly often when we’re talking, his hand will rest very casually and briefly on my knee. I’m not sure if he’s flirting or not, it mostly seems more like a friendly […]

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Retaining right to work after a divorce

Retaining right to work after a divorce

| 13/06/2017 | 12 Comments

If you are married to a Caymanian and there are minor children from the marriage, and the marriage breaks down through divorce or separation, and your residency/right to work is revoked, are you able to re-apply for residency/right to work on the basis of having young Caymanian children? Auntie’s answer: I will be passing on […]

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Suspects son is smoking ganja

Suspects son is smoking ganja

| 12/06/2017 | 25 Comments

My 15-year-old son came home from spending the evening with friends smelling like weed. I don’t know if he was actually smoking himself or around people who were. Either way, this concerns me. I’m not sure what I should do. Any advice? Auntie’s answer: I am certain that your question is one most parents dread […]

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Parking by double yellow lines

Parking by double yellow lines

| 11/06/2017 | 12 Comments

When do the rules for parking on double yellow lines not apply? I note that Hurley’s at Grand Harbour has yellow lines in front of the store, but there are always two or three cars parked (with no-one inside them) on the yellow lines. I saw a police car drive past them this week (having […]

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Returning to Cayman after being rolled over

Returning to Cayman after being rolled over

| 08/06/2017 | 22 Comments

I will be leaving shortly on rollover. Can you tell me what the rules are on visiting Cayman during my 12-month absence period? If I want to come back and visit friends, what are the rules? Also, if I wanted to come back and work in my former office for, say, one week every quarter, […]

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Neighbour wants to replace fence with wall

Neighbour wants to replace fence with wall

| 07/06/2017 | 12 Comments

You have a chain link fence around your yard that you put there with your own money, without any help from your neighbour. Now your neighbour would like to put a block wall there instead. Are you obligated to help the neighbour with half of the cost, even though I have a fence there already? […]

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Job security of civil servants after elections

Job security of civil servants after elections

| 06/06/2017 | 6 Comments

With the change in government, what protection do civil servants have against being transferred or fired at the whim and fancy of the new MLAs? If a civil servant is let go because the new minister prefers to bring in someone else, does the civil servant have any protection or recourse? Auntie’s answer: I put […]

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Buying a car from an owner who is off-island

Buying a car from an owner who is off-island

| 05/06/2017 | 7 Comments

I want to buy a car from a guy but it’s actually in one of his relative’s name. The relative has moved off-island and is not quite sure when he’s coming back. The car has been off the road for a while. Is there any way that ownership can be transferred? Auntie’s answer: I realise […]

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When are we marking the birthday of the Queen?

When are we marking the birthday of the Queen?

| 04/06/2017 | 19 Comments

Britain is celebrating the Queen’s official birthday on 10 June, and all my local calendars show Monday, 12 June to be a public holiday for that event. However, Mr (Franz) Manderson has declared Monday, 19 June as Cayman’s public holiday to mark the event. So which is it? Auntie’s answer: I have checked on those dates and […]

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Colourful licence plates on the way

Colourful licence plates on the way

| 01/06/2017 | 8 Comments

I have seen a few of the new licence plates, and they are all the same – black numerals on white background. Will the DVDL be issuing different coloured plates to deal with hire cars, taxis, government vehicles and the Q series plates, or is everything now going to be the same? Auntie’s answer: Readers […]

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Puzzled over road markings

Puzzled over road markings

| 31/05/2017 | 5 Comments

What’s up with the mysterious white and black crosses being painted on West Bay Road and elsewhere? Auntie’s answer: The mystery has been solved thanks to the Lands and Survey Department. The markings you see on the roads are part of an upcoming aerial photography project. The crosses have been painted throughout all three islands […]

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Seeks information on charitable organisations

Seeks information on charitable organisations

| 30/05/2017 | 3 Comments

Is there a register of charities on island? Somewhere online I can go and check if a charity is legally a registered one? Also, what are the laws regarding persons acting as a charity without legally being registered? Auntie’s answer: I have tracked down the answers to your questions with the help of the General […]

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Credit card taken behind closed doors

Credit card taken behind closed doors

| 29/05/2017 | 7 Comments

I was recently at the new vehicle licensing office out east (in Breakers) and used my credit card to pay for my yearly vehicle registration and the young man took my card and closed the door to the office whilst processing my payment. He took over 10 minutes to complete the processing. Should I be […]

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Looking for prices at the pumps

Looking for prices at the pumps

| 28/05/2017 | 3 Comments

Where are the petrol prices listed? I heard there was a way to compare what is available. Auntie’s answer: Yes, you are right. There is actually a very comprehensive list of prices at each gas (petrol) station on the island. You can find it at the Petroleum Inspectorate website. The tables on the site list prices by […]

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Benefits of investing in rental property

Benefits of investing in rental property

| 25/05/2017 | 6 Comments

Is buying and renting property in Cayman a good investment? I will not be living in whatever I buy. I am looking to spend up to about $500,000. Auntie’s answer: It is always nice to see someone interested in investing in Cayman. To help you on your way, I consulted with Tony Catalanotto of Rainbow […]

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