Police Questions

Should you call the police after a car accident?
If involved in a car accident, if there is damage to persons or vehicle, must the police be called to attend? Also, what if I witnessed an accident, must I stay till the police arrive or can I just leave contact details? Auntie’s answer: In light of the two recent tragic and disturbing cases of […]

Are the police ATVs allowed on the road?
I see the police are going to be using ATVs. I am wondering if they will be driving these on the road as well as the beach. Can you find out? Auntie’s answer: As you note, the RCIPS recently purchased two all-terrain vehicles to be used for patrolling the beach and off-road areas. The police […]

Nearby residents concerned about KAABOO
It may be too late to ask this, but as members of the community in the neighbourhoods around the KAABOO site this weekend, a lot of us are worried we will have issues with rowdy festival goers throughout the neighbouring area of Governor’s Harbour. We are concerned there may be people parking along our roads […]

Urgent case of missing man
What is a Category 1 missing person? Auntie’s answer: This question came up in the comments last week under this article: Search intensifies for missing homeless man. The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service was referring to the seriousness of the case of 72-year-old Eral Keith Whitely, who was last seen 26 December. An RCIPS spokesperson […]

Victim did not receive police update
Some time ago I was seriously assaulted by someone known to me. The matter was reported to the police and I gave a statement giving details of the assault. Some short time later I became aware that the same person had been arrested for another crime. Since then I have not heard of any charges […]

The law and carrying a machete at night
When is a machete considered a restricted weapon and when is it just a tool? Would you detail for us this legislation “possessing a restricted weapon at night”? I don’t recall it from the Penal Code. Auntie’s answer: The question came up in the comments last week under this article: Machete in car lands WB man […]

Stop obscuring licence plates
I believe it is illegal and am certain that a car will not pass its inspection with tinted plastic over the number plates – can you confirm? If it is illegal, then why are so many drivers blatantly driving with their plates obscured? The only reason I can see for making your plates hard to read […]

Following police instructions on the road
If a policeman is directing traffic contrary to the working traffic lights what are drivers supposed to do? Specifically, when the policeman at the junction of Fort Street, Harbour Drive and North Church Street is waving traffic forward but the lights are red, am I supposed to commit an offence by driving through the red light? […]

Drivers need to turn off their high beams
What are the laws regarding the use of high beam lights in vehicles? I’m constantly blinded by at least 35% of vehicles driving around with high beam lights for no real reason. Maybe you can ask RCIPS as well if this is not enforceable or should I just have a spotlight to beam back into […]

Buses should not stop in roundabouts
What are the rules in regard to where school buses can stop? I have seen a school bus stop on the roundabout by Hurley’s (on the inside lane) to allow children to disembark. It appears incredibly dangerous to me to expect all traffic entering the roundabout to stop.

Apply online for police clearance
Delivering the application for a police clearance usually takes well over half an hour. Given the demand, do the police plan make the process faster and, if so, when? Auntie’s answer: Actually, the police have already streamlined the process. You can now submit and pay for an application for a police clearance certificate online here through […]

Too many police at pedestrian crossing
I would like to know why the RCIPS feels it is necessary to have officers (sometimes three) directing traffic and pedestrians at a junction where there are perfectly operating lights that do this function? I am referring to the junction of Fort Street and Harbour Drive and North Church Street. Having the officer(s) there mimicking […]

Wants information on police traffic unit
Do we have a count of how many of the 407 RCIPS (343 enlisted, 64 civilian) are engaged full time in the Traffic Unit? How much of the more than $30 million/year we pay is apportioned to that unit, and how do they rationalise that expenditure? Is there an annual report or statistics that can […]

Loud trucks a public nuisance
Truck noise has become a real nuisance on Cayman. But it appears the police do not care to enforce the law that trucks meet manufacturers’ standards. Some of these trucks emit up to 90dB of noise, and seem to enjoy doing so. Auntie’s answer: I checked with the RCIPS about your question and a spokesperson […]

Upset by drivers using cell phones
There seems to have been a large increase in the number of drivers on mobile phones in recent months (even more than usual). I rarely undertake a journey without seeing at least one driver holding their phone out in front of them whilst driving. Other jurisdictions such as the UK are clamping down heavily on […]

Worried about dangerous drivers in neighbourhood
I live on Old Crewe Road and have lived there for a number of years. Lately, I have noticed more and more cars become extremely aggressive in their driving, some going over 50mph and passing other cars on the road going nearly as fast. With this road being a residential road, also having a school […]

Police patrols at Public Beach
Why is there not an RCIPS officer assigned to Public Beach during busy periods and the weekend? (I saw) people openly smoking weed in the cabanas, leaving their young children unattended in the sea. A young life was almost lost due to the complete negligence of the parents who should be locked up. Auntie’s answer: […]

Who can access police reports?
If an individual were to make a report to the police or through a 911 operator, would it be possible for an individual who works in the Office of the Complaints Commissioner (OCC) to access and read/download/amend the report in any way? Auntie’s answer: When making a police report, it is certainly understandable many people […]