Transportation Questions

Are airport taxis still charging a flat rate?
Can you clarify whether the flat rate taxi fares from the airport are still in effect? Or did those change? The previous rate sheet had a separate section for rates from the airport, which were a little bit lower than if you calculate by the mile. Auntie’s answer: This question came as a comment on […]

How do you request a new bus stop?
I pass buses everyday who pull over at the yellow crossing on West Bay Road outside the medical school residence hall. Students stand at the crossing waiting for the bus, which is dangerous as cars don’t know if students are crossing or not and it’s an accident waiting to happen. The buses also block the […]

Are taxis getting meters?
Quite some time ago there was discussion that taxis were to install meters. Did that go away and why? Auntie’s answer: No, that hasn’t gone away; it is working its way through the system. An official with the Public Transport Board explained that it is developing a strategic plan, a process which began September last […]

Public bus information needs an update
Whose responsibility is it to maintain and distribute accurate and up-to-date information, schedules and maps for the Cayman public buses? The current route map is not accurate. Did you know there is no more Route 5? Did you know the phone number listed on the public bus website and Facebook page is not in service? […]

Trucks need to be better regulated
Are there any rules that apply to the increasing number of large, poorly driven and maintained trucks that threaten the safety of motorists using Shamrock Road? I have seen a speeding truck pass a school bus as children were alighting, trucks that spill their wet load onto vehicles behind, numerous trucks that belch thick black smoke […]

Requirements to be a bus driver
What are the licensing and insurance requirements for bus drivers, and is there any review interval for re-qualification (i.e. ongoing vision testing etc)? Auntie’s answer: The requirements for bus drivers can be found in the Traffic (Public Passenger Vehicles) Regulations (2014 Revision). A staff member of the Public Transport Unit took me through the relevant […]

Uber service might reduce drunk driving
I was wondering if an Uber-type taxi service would be allowed in Cayman? I believe the amount of drunk drivers on the road here in Cayman must partly be a reflection of the horrendous prices taxis charge and the lack of other viable alternatives. Auntie’s answer: This is another of those questions that has come […]

When is a bicycle not a bicycle?
Do you have any idea if these ‘ordinary looking’ bicycles which appear to be equipped with motors are required to have vehicle licences and do their riders require drivers’ licences? The reason I ask is because it is now a fairly regular sight to see these things “shooting” down the road and some are even driven […]

Complaining about high taxi charges
I have anecdotal evidence (and seen some copies) of taxi bills that excessively charge visitors. One taxi charged $300 to move eight people from The Ritz to Calypso Grill, and others have charged $25 per head, even in a taxi with other passengers, to move short distances up and down SMB. What protections do our […]

Loud trucks a public nuisance
Truck noise has become a real nuisance on Cayman. But it appears the police do not care to enforce the law that trucks meet manufacturers’ standards. Some of these trucks emit up to 90dB of noise, and seem to enjoy doing so. Auntie’s answer: I checked with the RCIPS about your question and a spokesperson […]

Regulating the number of taxi drivers
How does the government issue taxi licences? What are the criteria and is there any kind of limit on how many are issued per year or at any one time? Auntie’s answer: There is a whole process involved in obtaining a public transport permit, with a taxi licence one of six categories of permit available. […]

Public bus travels by the airport
I understand there is a bus service now for US$2.50 from the airport to SMB. Is this true? I hear it runs every 20 minutes between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday. Auntie’s answer: I can report that it is true, the bus service does exist. The Ministry of Transport and Public Transport Unit (PTU) […]