Public bus information needs an update

Whose responsibility is it to maintain and distribute accurate and up-to-date information, schedules and maps for the Cayman public buses? The current route map is not accurate. Did you know there is no more Route 5? Did you know the phone number listed on the public bus website and Facebook page is not in service? Did you know that all the 2019 publications have therefore included incorrect bus information for visitors and residents?
Auntie’s answer: The Public Transport Unit (PTU) is the responsible department. I contacted them and was able to get some of the answers you wanted.
A PTU official confirmed that route 5 is not up and running though explained that bus number 3 traverses the same route. But they are “hoping to have route five active this year”.
Meanwhile, the official said that the unit is working on its website and is in the process of finalising an agreement for the site, which explains why I could not access it. Once that happens, the PTU said it will be able to offer a timeline on when it will be live.
So, for the moment, the only online information available from the Public Transport Unit is through their Facebook page.
I checked about the phone number that is listed on that page (946-1323) and was told that is indeed correct. While it may seem out of service, the issue seems to be that the staff may not get a chance to answer the phone. The official said that at times the PTU “is extremely busy with walk-ins and other phone calls” so they may miss a call.
I suggest if you are seeking more information or want to register a complaint, you email or message the PTU through Facebook.
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Category: Ask Auntie, Transportation Questions
The Public Bus system needs an upgrade. These owners/drivers could double or triple their income if they just ran a professional system. Do not complete with each other. Operate as a united organization/association. Together Everyone Makes More.